I worked in a pharmacy on Tchoupitoulas back in the 90s, and the Orangejello, Lemonjello twins were patients. It was actually printed on their medicaid cards. I hear that story over and over since then and laugh b/c I used to be involved in their care, saw the name printed on the card, and know it's real, but people always question it. The other funny names I saw were Lewis Louis, and Liljon (dad's name printed on the card was John), and many others. In NC, the weirdest one I've seen is a simple one....Green. Who names their kid Green? Bizarro, in my book. Needless to say the high achieving, over thinking parents are divorced. Kid doesn't stand a chance, sadly. Of course, his name could have been Sue, and if he survives adolescence, maybe the name will pay off.
Oh, and many of you may remember the story behind Siran Stacy's name, the former Bama RB. He's named after Saran Wrap, but they spelled it wrong, LOL.
Some Hippie baby names in the 70's were pretty bad. Moon Unit and Dweezil Zappa are famous enough. Grace Slick named her son God. I knew a mom who named her boy Moonie and another who named her son Little Man. Today he goes by Man. And the less said about Gypsyflower Bordelon the better . . .