Gotta side with ramah on this. This is a Tiger Forum. If I want OU garbage, I know where to get it. OU fans should tread lightly here and would be better off discussing the game in a civil fashion and/or asking for advice on travel and staying in the city. If you are an OU fan and are going to talk trash, expect a hostile reception here.
Please note that unlike other SEC boards, you won't easily get booted for inflammatory remarks. Just note that there is a smack forum for all the flaming and "OU garbage" as it was referred to by TF90.
True dat. There are things wiped off of OUBoards by their mods that wouldn't even raise my eyebrows here on TF. Nothing wrong w/ a little smaking...just don't get personal with it is all I ask.
First of all it's "Nurse Ratched" read a book! I realize it was tough for you to see the credits through those LSU glasses of yours. You slap us OU fans as Trophy Polishers, you realize that is NOT an insult. Being a Trophy Polisher means we have won Championships. I realize that is a tough concept for LSU fans to grasp. Also, you call us Homers, yet you have stated that you see the world through your LSU purple glasses. So, I do believe, the Pot has called the Kettle black. Now I realize that you respond in kind, and say "I am living in a fantasy world," And you'll use lots of ..... and the "azz" a whole bunch. But I just simply want to point out to you, YOUR A HIPPOCRATE!!! Of course we are gonna say OU is better, and you are gonna say LSU is better. Did you all truly think we are going to come here, and you to ours as well, and say, "We know you are superior, please be kind to us. Don't beat us too badly!":dis: Enjoy the Sugar Bowl!!!
4? That's a nice start, maybe your baseball team will let the football look at them, maybe even polish them?
OU is Boring I don't normally get into Smack but you asked for it,Oklahoma is one boring state. I've been to Norman and Oklahoma and you talk about one hellava boring place. Your University could be anytown USA. Yay good ol midwestern blah food. In my opinion OU and Oklahoma is they are pretty BORING.
the OU is full of a bunch of sarcastic assholes who claim it is a no smack board but in reality it is moderated by one woman soonerleigh who intimidates opposing posters calling them such names as ignorant while she herself excuses her actions by saying "well I own this place so i can do what I want" That maybe so but to say that it is a no smack board is ludicrous. I guess if you wear sooner colored glasses it is. At least Brett and co. DO let other posters from other teams HAVE a say without deleting their posts. Don't go to that sooner board they are "legends" in their OWN minds.
WHAT did one of you soomer spoofers post something about championship trophys?? HEY get a CLUE, you just LOST a chamionship game. We won our conference. You people want to make that KSU pasting go away soooo bad. BUT they whooped you and you shouldnt even be allowed to go outside and play let alone play a chamionship game. you got lucky, the homer bowl game series picked you. You ain't gonna be polishing nothing this year but each other's knobs. :shock: