I'd rather be in gold than purple at noon on Saturday.....darker colors = way hotter. I don't think it's a bad idea to wear all the same color though. I was thoroughly impressed with the Auburn game on Saturday. The whole stadium was orange. You will always have rebels though I suppose......
I don't think LSU is wasting money or time by doing this. It took one guy to type it in on the LSU Baseball Video Screen outside the stadium to say "PLEASE WEAR GOLD TO MSU GAME" I think thats a great attitude to have. Embrace it and make something positive happen. I'm glad we have fans like yourself. I agree with you, LSU has two colors. I would love to see people wear nothing but Gold and Purple to all the games. But we always see grey shirts, and white shirts, and the occasional red and blue ones too! :angry: You want to make an all purple game. I am all for that. Lets do it....next game. But if it were an all purple game we would have to hear why people can't wear gold. I mean LSU is asking all of us to wear gold for one day out of the year to one game. I just think we should back our school and do it. I think it would look really cool. I am glad you agree that if we do go one color it is a school color. I think most of us feel that way. And sorry if it sounds like a being mean about this, its not my intention. Just trying to support the cause.
I will not wear gold. Not because "I am a big boy and can do whatever I want" but because I look like s--t warmed over in gold.
LSU has three colors. The white trim color is important at LSU and used as a primary color a lot. Just look around on game day. Look at the team. Look at the fans. Most people own all three colors. Most people wear all three. If LSU can manage to coordinate us from time to time I think it is great. And the whiteout looks great on TV, too. Nobody else does it. We have done a purple game, but the dark purple doesn't show up as well on TV as the gold or the white.
this is so stupid people. If you're fans, do what the freaking school asks. Personally, it was awesome to see all the AU fans in orange this past weekend. A few years back when I went to Knoxville, we were overwhelmed by orange. Bottom line - it just looks good. Get w/the program and quit complaining. You pay $ to TAF now wear a freaking gold shirt.
Cause LSU will make a ton of $$ on gold t-shirt sales. Much more than they will spend on getting the word out. Skip is all about the $$ and seats in the stands.
you could also post a picture of Neyland Stadium on gameday for how good it looks to have all one color in the stands. gold will stand out much more than purple does, thus the gold request. if you noticed this weekend at Auburn, they had an ALL AUBURN, ALL ORANGE shirt made for the game. most of the crowd was wearing it. i like the gold rush idea. :lsug: