This entire thread/argument has been about you refusing to hold Miles accountable for our issues. I'm no fool, Ive been in and around football (very closely) for the last 21 years of my life. Players make mistakes. But this teams issues are SO much deeper than player mistakes. You'd be a fool not to recognize that
Now THAT is frightening. Because almost anything else--other than a major morale/conflict/unknown issues problem--is potentially fixable. I watched with a queasy feeling in my stomach as LSU won its first games, because of the same lack of energy & camaraderie as you have described, above. Look at the sleepwalking thru the first halves of our prior games; look at the demeanor of our non-leader Mettenberger--so obvious, that the announcers picked up on it and told the viewers that Mettenberger, after each set of downs ("three & outs" in LSU parlance) retreated alone to his little isolation area on the sidelines. That is shameful! Awful! Real leaders don't do things like that. But he does. Ipso facto--he is NOT a LEADER. So, in my estimation, queasy stomach and all, the wheels have come off. Be nice to at least know why. At this rate, will tickets for November 3 be up for grabs, cheap?
Not only is there no improvement, but they're actually getting worse. Is it too much to ask of them to run a play that no one has seen them run before? Just one? Apparently, its a tall order.
Look no further then our last game last year. Although I can't prove it, enough has leaked to know that something happened prior to the game that divided the team. And it hasn't been the same since.
Isn't he though. All those screaming for his head WHO would you replace him with?????? How about replacing Les with the offensive genius Jimbo Fisher who used half time adjustments to be held scoreless by an NC State team UTenn thumped. Well then let's try Derick Junior Dooley that UT coach expected to be available after the season? Face it people replacing a successful HC is hard and NO ONE does it well. Name a team that hasn't had to try more than once to replace a successful HC. Ask Tenn how its going since they fired fat Phil. Bama struggled till they backed up the cash truck to Saban's door. Ask Michigan if they have enjoyed the years since they fired L Carr. Hell how many years did LSU spend in the wilderness when they dropped Cholly Mac? Les may not be Saban but he has been pretty close look at his record against NS, CUM and any other coach you can name. Does this mean I think he is perfect and there are no issues? OF COURSE NOT!!! I don't like the trend in offensive production any more than you do. I am concerned that he has grown so conservative since 2008/9 and doesn't show Lesticles any more. Is this like 2008 when the obvious led to changing DCs maybe so. As with all coaches Les has strengths and weaknesses. I believe his strengths GREATLY outweigh his weaknesses. Also I believe we need to see how things work out. Gerry Finardo, Saban and Les have proved LSU can gather talent with any other school. If Les's record begins to slip and we don't see a change in a year or two then the discussion about replacement is needed. Until then my friends criticize all you want but do so in the true meaning of the word and use you comments as a tool to make things better not to show you are tools
Because he is the winningest coach in LSU history. Who are we going to get that is better? You know we went through three loser coaches before we found keepers in Saban and Miles. That shit could happen again. Everybody loses some games, but who can argue with averaging 11 wins a season for seven years?
I just would like Miles to return to Earth from his home planet with a fresh case of objective perspective.