No matter what happens, or who plays, LSU's defense will always be the Chinese Bandits in my book... Purple Haze would be the name I like most though, out of the ones here (I'm a huge Hendrix fan)
Well S'cuse me while I kiss the sky. I heard these guys on the radio one time talking about how people don't understand all the words of a song and think they are saying something else. One guy thought Hendrix was singing "S'cuse me while I kiss this guy." Others are: Wacko Jacko's Billie Jean: "The chair is not my son" Creedence Clearwater Revival: "Rollin', Rollin', Rollin' up a reefer" Bruce Springsteen: "Blinded by the night, wrapped up like a douche like a runner in the night" Thats what it always sounded like to me, too.
OK, I've got it. You know how when you get in those rush hour traffic jams when nothng moves? (Why do they call it rush hour when nobody can rush?) THE GRIDLOCK DEFENSE
MOAD (Mother Of All Defenses) is good. Does anybody else find it strange that the Chinese-American community hasn't b*tched about this one yet? I can understand that previously they never heard the term but LSU has been all over the SoCal media recently.
nicknames Hi guys, Been out a while. Bet you missed me. HA. I'll remember this is a LSU board if you will remember some of this may be tongue in cheek. How about 1) Your worse nightmare 2) the guys your Mother warned you about 3) to steal from baseball jargon--change "HEADS UP" to "HEADS OFF." 4) BREAK TIME 5) In honor of your strength coach-- THE QUAD SQUAD. 6) and kind of like the hot boudin cheer------------purple shirts/yellow britches, we're fixing to hurt you sons of b******. Will pass on the tongue in cheek. WAIT TILL NEXT YEAR. __________Yeah sourdoughman, I know your question. ARE WE GOING TO BE GOOD NEXT YEAR? We don't plan on being awesome..but we plan on being VERY LUCKY. Oh---I forgot-- congratulations on your recruiting. You finally got a coach that figured out Parish Prison was not the place to recruit.
Wow...Some of those are actually funny, Col Reb. Didn't think that witty intellect could come from someone that cheers in Oxford!
Re: nicknames If they can find more like Lavalais out there I'd recruit Angola, San Quentin and Sing Freakin' Sing!!
Re: Re: nicknames As long as they recruit the guards and not the inmates. Of course Burt Reynolds put together an inmate team that beat the crap out of the guards in "The Longest Yard."