Make that 42-0. F you NCAA. The CWS just isn't even fun to watch anymore. MsSt had at least one, if not 2 homeruns fall short. They would have been out in Rosenblatt, they would have been out in just about any other park. UCLA just aggravates the shit out of me watching them. While MsSt is getting robbed of HR's, UCLA is bunting 6 inches and scoring dudes who struck out. They are like gnats buzzing around your head. No matter how strong you are, you can't swat those aggravating little bastids away. Unless they change something, the fences, bats, or balls, to put the homerun back in play, I just can't see myself going to another CWS.
There should be a happy medium here. The NCAA has taken this to the other extreme from gorilla ball. A team like UCLA should not be playing for the championship...
I will go again but I hope they do something with the park at least. TDA as it sits is slightly bigger than 21 current major league parks. That is bullshit. The pitchers have nothing to hold them accoubtable. They can throw whatever they want 3-2 and have little to worry about if they hang a curve or leave a fastball in someones wheelhouse.
It is the same dimensions as Rosenblatt, it just gets no wind. I still think the problem is the last bat change was a bad idea. Let's see how a new ball works, but we know that changing the bats back will work.
Originally, It may have even been bigger. However the grandstand kept expanding and it made the park smaller over the years.
It isn't just the home runs; it's also the fact that would-be base hits are turning into routine ground balls and weak liners that get caught by an infielder. It's like watching a damn wiffle ball game. The high stitching on the balls also enables average pitchers to get up there and throw damn unhittable frisbees a la Jeff Nelson. Things are way out of balance in favor of the pitchers. I agree with the sentiment about a shitty team like UCLA making the finals. It's disgraceful. They scored 8 damn runs (and I bet only half of them were earned) the entire CWS before making the finals. Eight. I certainly don't think that we need to go back to the gorilla ball days of the 90s, but they had it right in '09-'10. Leave it to the NCAA to screw-up a perfectly good system.
Exactly right. The bats aren't coming back so everyone can let go of that pipe dream. The only hope we have is for them to realize this park is too big for the giant toilet paper rolls they are forcing these kids to hit with and bring the fences in about 10' or so. Using a more lively ball wouldn't hurt either. Just like everyone, I'm not saying it needs to go back to where anyone can go yard at anytime, that isn't good for the game either. However it is equally bad and boring, when pitchers have nothing to worry about because they know whatever they throw is staying inside the park.
Lmao! Switching to the minor league ball with lower stitching and higher resistance would probably be a perfect solution, which means that the NCAA will avoid it at all costs.
I know right, because with all the dirt they had on Thug U they get a pass yet they fine some PAC whatever softball broad $20 for washing her car using university water and the schools hose. Probably a damned Prius to boot. I wish we could erase Emmerts name from ever being associated with LSU because he is a damned clown.