We have us a QB controversy fellas !

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by WestCoastTiger, Dec 31, 2005.

  1. CParso

    CParso Founding Member

    Jan 20, 2004
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    I pointed out that Flynn did enable certain aspects of the team to play better.

    JR has a tendency to throw low & behind receivers - his placement needs much improvement. Flynn looked better than JR in that regard, but not extremely better - the WRs just made some big plays that they weren't making that regularly under JR. Was it simply because it was a different person throwing the ball or could it be that the break allowed them to get better? I believe the latter made the bigger difference.

    JR can scramble. We've seen him do it a few times this season. Flynn is better, but again - not extremely. What Flynn did do was to not hesitate & thus use his time in the pocket more efficiently than JR does. This no doubt made the offensive line look better, but not perform better. Did they perform better simply because a different person was in at the position? I don't think so, but maybe...

    I'm not saying it's not possible that the team responds better to Flynn - they very well might. BUT Flynn was not the only difference in this team & he doesn't deserve all of the credit. Also, if the team truly does respond better to Flynn, wouldn't they have responded better during the SECCG?
  2. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    LOL, we both need to learn how to LISTEN better. When we get into a debate I guess it is natural to accentuate the differences because there is no reason to argue when we agree. I should better acknowledge the things I agree with when arguing with someone.

    We both agree that Flynn and Russell have different strengths. I am more of the belief that Flynn's strengths greater help the team. Russell can scramble, but any scrambling he does is nullified by the horrid sacks he takes both in yardage and timeliness.

    While I agree that the month off gave the team a chance to reflect, rest, and regroup, I don't think the receivers suddenly learned how to catch. I think that has more to do with who was throwing it to them.

    I think the time off more benefited the offensive line and the running game. The difference in Addai was night and day, which is why I wish Miles would have rested Addai earlier. I think Hester is a solid big back, which we sorely lacked all season, and will only improve. The offensive line was fresh and solid, but don't think Matt Flynn's mobility and ability to make quick reads didn't benefit them. Wait, you said his ability to make quick reads made them look better, something on which we agree. Making quick reads is very important in a quarterback, and Flynn seems better at it. That in itself bolsters Flynn's stock.

    The defense has been solid all season, minus AZST, UTenn, and in part UGA. I think on this we agree. Having a productive offense definitely benefits the defense, and we had no productive offense this season, except in the last game.

    Arguing whether Flynn commands more respect in the huddle is a matter of speculation, but I lean toward Flynn based on what I've seen. I think we kind of agree on this too.
  3. LSUHotdog

    LSUHotdog Founding Member

    Nov 10, 2002
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    Probably the most important thing that Flynn appears to have is greater leadership characteristics and poise. Those intangibles that made Davey and Mauck so successful cannot be overemphasized here. After seeing some of the player comments regarding Flynn's demeanor and his leadership makes him teh more valuable QB.

    To be fair about one of the receivers, I saw in the advocate that Bowe had gotten some sports contacts to help him see better to catch better. He definitely looked better to me and I hope that helps him become the receiver we know he can be.

    Also, Flynn throws a pretty pass and the touch/placement was impressive which enabled the receivers to be in a better position to make plays downfield.

    Despite MF and JR, does anyone have any idea how much our blue chip RP has progressed in learning the offense in his past year?
  4. locoguano

    locoguano Founding Member

    Jun 26, 2004
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    The key to all of this is that Russell's shoulder is very slow on the mend... He may still be limited in the Spring.. if that is the case, Flynn and Perrilloux will get snaps with the first and second team offenses and one of them could really have a great oppurtunity to take the starting spot. Don't forget that if Fisher leaves, there could be a completely new offense being put it. That puts all 3 qbs on a fairly even level.
  5. Ch0sn0ne

    Ch0sn0ne At the Track

    Oct 25, 2002
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    LOL, judging by the problem we seem to have deciding who should start out of JR and MF, RP better pratice running routes and catching the football if he wants to play in the next two years.
  6. CParso

    CParso Founding Member

    Jan 20, 2004
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    We agree on quite a bit of this, but you are closer to the middle than a few here - so I'm not really arguing with just you.

    These were all very highly recruited WRs. They have always known how to catch, they just weren't performing all season. My guess is a combination of our WR coach & the hurricane etc. Flynn's passes were better than JR's, but they were quite a few that the receivers had to adjust for & they still dropped a couple passes (although not to the point where it was a problem). I think the speed of JR's throws are exaggerrated (sp?) - he hasn't been throwing them hard most of the season. So what makes the guys catch better? Maybe both time off & Flynn being QB... It's just speculation right now. My only point was to say that there are other possible explanations.

    There we go agreeing again... :thumb:

    I was very impressed with Flynn & there is reason to believe that he would be the better QB for LSU. I'm just trying not to put too much emphasis on this one game, which others don't seem to get.
  7. CParso

    CParso Founding Member

    Jan 20, 2004
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    That's a good point. I'm sure Miles won't tell us much about JR's injury, but if it delays him during summer & spring ball - Flynn & RP will get a nice advantage out of it.
  8. CParso

    CParso Founding Member

    Jan 20, 2004
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    Early on in practice when it was still debated about whether to redshirt him or not, I was hearing that he hadn't gotten down his timing with the receivers yet & that he had slight troubles with picking up what the defense was bringing, which is to be expected with a true freshman. But I also heard that the coaches love his potential & that when he played as the scout QB for App St, he looked amazing. I wish we could get some more updated info, but that's all I've got.
  9. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    I have thought that Russell has been trying to put more touch on his passes most of the time, but he also leads receivers into precarious positions (getting blindsided as they catch the ball). I just find it hard to believe that the receivers have finally regained the ability to catch the ball because they had more time off. I'll admit that I don't know all the complexities to catching a football, it never seemed like an intricate skill to me. Maybe you're right.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Sure. I saw Flynn win ONE game. I saw Russell win TEN. Flynn certainly has earned himself some serious consideration and I would love to see him have a Matt Mauck-like emergence. But moving him to the top of the list after a single start and writing off Russell makes about as much sense to me as those who were ready to run off Bo Pelini after ONE game.

    And you missed my point. You had stated that Flynn was more consistent when it should be obvious that one must post multiple wins to be considered consistent. In time Flynn may just do that, but right now he is a one-hit wonder.

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