Waterboarding = Torture ??

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Rex_B, Dec 13, 2007.

  1. LsuCraig

    LsuCraig Founding Member

    Dec 17, 2004
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    Muslim's don't approve of Dubai or Bahrain? Muslim's at home in Saudi may rail against the freedom and western influence of Bahrain, but they go there every chance they get to get drunk and gamble.

    I may not be getting what you're saying? Maybe you're saying that while some in Iran and other places may want some kind of freedom they resent our influence at some point? I agree with that but don't really care if they resent our influence. Basically IMO, we're not talking about getting freedom for Iranians or any other country in 5 or 10 years.

    Influence the few now to get to the masses in the next generation. It's a slow-trickle process. If they resent us in the short-term, fine. We're not fostering their revolution for our/their current generation......but for both's future generations who have been exposed to some freedom. They get a little, they'll want more.

    That's why Iran is tightening the screws as we speak.....they know if the people get western TV on Dish Network, they'll then want more freedom. Women will start uncovering themselves, etc etc. They are tightening down what I'm talking about fostering. They can keep it down for a while but eventually it will open up....with our help. All of the middle east will end up like Bahrain and Dubai. Western influenced muslim countries. That's the end game for all of this. In the meantime, we'll have to kick a little butt on the ones who want to act tough. So be it.
  2. CajunlostinCali

    CajunlostinCali Booger Eatin Moron

    Nov 1, 2007
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    I was just looking for a good way to use this thread to get a poke at Reb. You gotta love the guy. :thumb:
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Indeed. This is why making belligerent threats is counterproductive. It makes the restless but patriotic Iranian middle class feel nationalistic and they pull together and support their country over a meddling superpower. Better for us to foment discontent among the Iranian factions and let them pull apart internally. There will be another revolution in Iran someday. Best for us if it does not put another anti-American government in charge. We need to quietly support the Iranian dissidents rather than challenge the Iranian nation and make them feel that WE are their main enemy instead of their domestic oppressors. Iran is no military threat to us.

    Teddy Roosevelt said, "Speak softly . . . and carry a big stick. They know we have the big stick, everybody knows. Now may be the time to speak softly.
  4. LsuCraig

    LsuCraig Founding Member

    Dec 17, 2004
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    I agree. I'd rather us not talk about Iran much at all and let their kook leader bury himself at home by himself.....which he is pretty good at. And I would not engage in any direct talks with him and his regime. IMO, when we meet with him it gives him legitmatcy.

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