I here you rex and really want to believe you but to make your point: Torture. To name just a few: Planes flying into NY buildings Trains exploding in Spain Civilian centers in Bagdad exploding with chlorine gas Decapitations for multinational prisoners Shopping arenas in London exploding Cornbread blowing up federal buildings with kids spilling out of day care centers My mother in laws cheesy chicken! No morality there... Waterboarding: Subject gets ridiculed, wet, scared, bruised ego and walks away to fight another day. The world is changing, and for the good morals and decency instilled in you that is a violation that I understand. I can only hope that the world wakes up some day and becomes the place you truly want it to be. Till then I find safe harbor in knowing that perhaps circumstances outlined above may very well be prevented with a little information gathering. :911: :usaflagwa :laflagwav
"Waterboarding: Subject gets ridiculed, wet, scared, bruised ego and walks away to fight another day." Doesn't sound like toture to me.
Cajun: I hear you as well but I could also start rattling off places that the US has done the same to, so don't think we don't do this also. The cheesy chicken is funny. My in laws make a cheesy noodle thing.. ugh. somethings just shouldn't have cheese. Shane: Torture defined: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=define:+torture&btnG=Search
Agreed on both.:thumb: Is that an emu on your avatar? If so do you farm? I have a cousin just outside Sulphur that farms em. Lots of fun! :shock:
They record cutting off heads of Americans. Seriously, do you really think what we do or don't do will ever stop that? This nonsense of blaming the U.S. for their actions needs to stop. We can do everything right and they will still brutally kill Americans. It's what they do.
exactly Tiger, and Rex I'm not here to argue symantics with you or anyone else. The great thing about this country is that we are free to express our opinions. That is why I fight, that is why I'm proud to call myself an American and I enjoy being able to provide you with that right. Even if your view IMHO is oh so wrong. An eye for an eye will in fact leave everyone blind. I understand where you are going (or at least I think I do) the Marine regiment in vietnam that was cutting off ears, yeah they got slaughtered, completely wiped out. This is different. No one, not one terrorist or accussed terrorist has drowned or suffered some sort of disability from having a little water poured on them. Why are you wanting to be so damned nice to them. These very lunatics you are trying so desperately to defend would and could care less as he sliced your throat?
People have drowned and had heart attacks under waterboarding torture. It is a near-death experience that doesn't leave bruises like a beating does, but it is still a potentially fatal near-death experience. The Geneva Convention forbids its use against prisoners of war. From Wikipedia: