Watching LSU Football is no longer fun

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by SabanFan, Sep 5, 2010.

  1. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    i've made my last visit to the game thread.

    i thought this would be a place where someone out of state could reconnect with other LSU fans and discuss the game and enjoy the experience.

    its turned into a group of chronic whining i-told-you-so coaches who've mistaken hindsight for coaching acumen

    a damn shame actually.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    bingo, Im done with the game threads, I made a critical mistake thinking it would be enjoyable. What was I thinking..

    I am highly frustrated with the coaching, the playcalling on offense and defense, was downright shameful. Blitzing the best cover guy in the nation....wth
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  3. Nutriaitch

    Nutriaitch Fear the Buoy

    Nov 16, 2005
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    this i can deal with.

    CajunPunk for example is one of the bigger non-Miles fans around.
    but he has reasons, and offers up what he would do differently and why.
    that is what fans should do.

    others like izzy think we should have beat unc by 500000 points because they were playing young inexperienced backups all game long.
    And the reason we didn't win, is because we didn't play our young inexperienced backups enough.

    our backups are all americans and should be starting
    their backups are complete crap and couldn't compete with a jv squad

    and he thinks he's intelligent
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  4. Bandit88

    Bandit88 Old Enough to Know Better

    Aug 25, 2007
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    You guys are my tailgating crew. So, as much as they suck, the thread is all I got, man. It's all I got...
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  5. CajunlostinCali

    CajunlostinCali Booger Eatin Moron

    Nov 1, 2007
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    Was it my corndog joke?
  6. TexasTigers

    TexasTigers Are You With Me ?

    Jan 14, 2002
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    I am with Sabanfan.
    Sure do I want LSU to win every game handily and we can just hoot and holler.
    Its a pipe dream
    Its just a game people. Not a single person on this board actually PLAYs on the team.
    Its entertainment. LSU won, sure I was a little grumpy. I wanted to see Ford. I was tired of seeing fumbles by Ridley. The suspect coaching the 3rd and chavis slants. I yelled at the TV when Jefferson took yet another intentional grounding. I wont deny that.

    But in the end its a win, the sun came up, my daughter wanted eggs this morning and you move on to Vanderbilt.
    Everyone gets so antsy because ESPN says we are a weak team, and its fire miles this and that. Or we "Dont get respect" in the media. What does that even mean ?
    Who really cares. I live in Texas at the golf course today I heard it over and over again. "MAN LSU is terrible, they should have lost, you got lucky, your QB is turrible, etc etc"
    I just smiled and said "Yup we will see what happens"
    But you know what I wore my LSU golf shirt and hat today. I am still a proud tiger.
    Then promptly hammered them in a 30 dollar Nassau....
    Its all good people. Relax a bit.

    Of course everyone jumps on me as a sunshine pumper and an "Idiot" i was called because I dont want everyone fired. Fine call me an idiot. I am fine with that..
    I have been called worse.

    Everyone talks about all this talent. All this talent committed several untimely penalties, holding, fumbles at the worst times.
    Sure Miles ultimately is responsible. But maybe JUST maybe other teams have talent to. Maybe our coaching is a bit suspect.
    But Miles isnt going anywhere for now....

    There is 4 quarters to football everyone. Not 2, LSU won the first half and lost the 2nd half. Operative word here but WON the game. Who cares it a weaker UNC. Talk to Ole Miss, OU and all the others.
    It happens, they get flat and they let it get away.

    I predicted 7-5 in the "prediction" thread. I am sticking with that, and as much as I wish it was 13-0 it wont be. So you enjoy the games, the friends the food and most importantly the beer. Get fired up, but I agree everyone needs to breathe. And see it for what it is, our alma mater playing a game. 18 years olds representing our school playing a game.
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  7. locoguano

    locoguano Founding Member

    Jun 26, 2004
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    I think the negative reaction was so strong last night because all summer we were sold a bill of goods saying that many aspects of the team, especially the quarterback play, were greatly improved... but they look just as bad as they did in the spring game (worse, because the biggest playmakers in the spring game, Ford and Ware, didn't touch the field.
  8. TexasTigers

    TexasTigers Are You With Me ?

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Who sold us a bill of goods. We did ourselves.
    What in the spring game gave ANYONE the impression we were going to be some juggernaut. Really.

    We as fans sold ourselves a bill of goods. I saw 11-1 12-0 predictions etc.

    Look we are college football fans if our team doesnt win by 50 every game SOMEONE will find a fault. Also most people seem to forget there is a team on teh OTHER side of the ball who also has talent, and speed and fans.

    What is Miles going to say "OUr team is bad, we dont look good at all? we are in for a rough year"

    One thing I will say though.
    Once JUST Once I want Miles in a post game interview just go off and say "We looked terrible, we played terrible, we didnt play as LSU tigers and we will fix it and if we dont I will find players who do"
    Instead of "well we won, made some mistakes, but we won and the kids played hard"

    Just a little fire out of him would be nice, fire that is not directed at the Ref.
  9. Bandit88

    Bandit88 Old Enough to Know Better

    Aug 25, 2007
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    It could be that. Or. It could be that some folks won't be happy with Miles as head coach - ever. Period. And they don't want anyone else to enjoy it either because it devalues their misery.

    Where you sit is where you stand on that one.
  10. locoguano

    locoguano Founding Member

    Jun 26, 2004
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    I am from the Jim Mora camp of coaching... If a team stinks, the coach has to acknowledge it... until he does, it won't get fixed.

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