Delaware is good place to live in that case. No state sales tax and the MARC can get you to Union Square in DC in 1.5 hours.
It's the most visited museum in the world, I've been told. The crowds take away from the ambience of the place. I have a reverence for old stuff and it is certainly not a reverent place. Udvar-Hazy is so bloody huge that it swallows crowds with room to spare.
The students at my middle school used to have an "American history" trip offered in the summer following 8th grade (Washington/New York City.) Some years back, regulations surrounding taking students on trips became a bureaucratic nightmare in Texas, and it was discontinued. I haven't taken my daughters yet, but plan to in the next several years. Los Angeles and Chicago are this summer's big trips. Next year, it's looking like NYC. And the year after, Hawaii is on the docket. Maybe Washington the next summer? I finally went to DC with my parents in the summer of '98 when I was 27. Being history buffs, we definitely went to Annapolis for a day trip. I'm really happy we did--so much history. We also did the Smithsonian (American history museum), Mt. Vernon, Monticello (great tour), the Capitol Building, and Arlington (which was actually pretty stunning, and I had been lukewarm on even going.) We ended up at Monticello because we drove all the way from Louisiana, so we also did an SEC tour through Tuscaloosa (Dreamland BBQ) and Knoxville (Neyland Stadium), and since we love to visit college campuses (my daughters do, too), we also went to see Washington and Lee and VMI, as well.
I have only met one person ever who was from the state of Delaware. She was a fat, mean, stupid loudmouth bitch but my friend stayed with her because she had huge tits.
Zero reverence. But even at places like Arlington or some of the war memorials, I was so pissed off at the disrespectful behavior of people and school kids. Don't people respect things anymore? Yes sir. The Dauntless was an amazing plane. Years ago I was helping my grandfather go through his file cabinets, organizing and I came across a telegram from Adm Nimitz thanking him for the plane. Holy shit. My favorite is the AD Skyraider. I was fortunate to be able to organize a short hop in this exact airplane some years ago (A26 Invader). We flew from Ventura to SB airport and had lunch, then flew back. What an experience. It's in a semi-permanent home at the Lyons Air Museum in Orange County. OooooK.
If you get a chance, try to take in a meal at Founding Farmers in Foggy Bottom. One of the best meals I have ever had. Just outstanding. It's right across the street from the Mexican Embassy.
There is a pretty cool air museum in Richmond. Got an SR71 Blackbird out in front. That was an awesome plane.