Another post asked if fans will be disappointed if LSU doesn't go all the way this year. Failing drug tests and suspensions.....would be a whole other category of disappointment. Major disappointment.
Totally fricken stupid ... and they know they're subject to urinalysis Total distraction to this team And it may be enough to derail LSU title hopes ... These two don't play at BAMA = 10 points
This is gonna hurt us bad if they are out for Bama.:dis::angryfire How can they be that f#*ing stupid!!!!!!!!!!!! If all this is true
The bullsh!t part about the Reveille bit is it says that the suspensions could "turn into multiple game suspensions". How in the hell would they "turn into" something that they're not already? While the suspensions may be true, that last part seems like the Reveille just making sh!t up again.
Okay, so now that this thing seems pretty real, someone needs to go back and see how long les suspends guys for smoking dope. I can't think of any right off hand but there's smoke coming out of my ears so who knows. Of course this would happen on the day I find out I have tickets to the Bama game.
Wow. Great job guys. How disappointing. So we lose our most disruptive defensive player, our 4th quarter closer, and an emerging star in simon. So who steps in?
It's being widely reported all over now. The Reveille is reporting that it's Ware and Mathieu allegedly for failing a drug test. Another sad day for LSU.
I was just thinking the same thing, and I defer to all you LSU hardcore fans. What is the protocol for a failed drug test? There must be past cases and suspensions to use to guage what will happen with this.....