Ware, Mathieu, and Simon suspended

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by LaSalleAve, Oct 19, 2011.

  1. lsufan_in_ohio

    lsufan_in_ohio East Ascension High '76

    Oct 14, 2007
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    True, with the exception of Football....that being said she is still not over this :crystal: from 2007......it was a sweet day for me of course......:geaux:
    1 person likes this.
  2. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Next time you get on, scream Tiga bait and see how long you can stay on. :lol:
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  3. lsufan_in_ohio

    lsufan_in_ohio East Ascension High '76

    Oct 14, 2007
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  4. COTiger

    COTiger 2010 Bowl Pick 'Em Champ

    Dec 10, 2003
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    I've screamed a lot of things, but I don't think TigerBait is among them. :rofl:
    LSUTiga likes this.
  5. gynojunkie

    gynojunkie "Pooties R Us"

    Sep 5, 2010
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  6. sassylsufan2002

    sassylsufan2002 Founding Member

    Oct 15, 2005
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    Exactly! At some point these players have to take full responsibility for what they do...they're old enough to know what was at stake & they made a wrong decision! Miles didn't make it for them, had nothing to do with it...TM especially, the Heisman is a very select few....apparently it didn't mean enough to him or else he had the big head & thought he was above the law and everything else....If he was my kid, he'd have a big head alright after I got through with him. What a stupid thing to do, even more so than Jefferson & everybody crucified him! :insane:
  7. sassylsufan2002

    sassylsufan2002 Founding Member

    Oct 15, 2005
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    question for ya! these tests for the synthetic stuff, can there be a false positive reading from some other type of chemical or substance ingested? or do we know for a fact that they really did it? reason I was asking is due to the answer CLM gave the media the first day.
  8. captainpodnuh

    captainpodnuh Baseball at da Box

    Aug 6, 2003
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    No false positives on a lab test. The instruments perform highly sensitive and accurate chemical analysis. False positives may occur with rapid/instant tests, which is why the specimens are always sent to the lab. I'm not currently aware of any rapid test kits available for synthetics.

    My employee, a recent member of the LSU track team, said that LSU frequently uses rapid kits and sends in the specimens to the lab. By using rapids, LSU and the donor would have an immediate result and know what they were positive for. Synthetic results obviously, pending lab analysis.
  9. stevescookin

    stevescookin Certified Who Dat

    Nov 18, 2008
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    Big news for you spice users...

    Law enforcement officials in St. Tammany Parish have arrested 21 people who allegedly sold synthetic marijuana and cocaine products after they were criminalized this summer. Most of them are owners of gas stations and retail shops.

    Four others who are also owners and are accused of committing the same offenses remain at large, Sheriff Jack Strain said at a news conference Wednesday.
    "There's no question that they know we're after them," added Strain, whose agency participated in the investigation alongside the Mandeville and Slidell police departments. "We'll continue that pursuit."
    In mid-July, a law went into effect banning the sale, manufacture and use of bath salts frequently ingested as substitute cocaine as well as potpourri designed to imitate marijuana. The legislation -- which was in part a reaction to the numerous suicides blamed on, and the severe psychotic side effects produced by, the bath salts -- also made illegal the groups of compounds that go into making those substances. It carries penalties similar to the ones punishing the possession, distribution or use of authentic weed or coke.
    Undercover members of St. Tammany's narcotics task force then visited more than 100 gas stations, convenience marts and tobacco shops in its jurisdiction and attempted to purchase synthetic marijuana, often called "spice" or "mojo." The Sheriff's Office says most stores in its jurisdiction immediately obeyed the law and stopped stocking the products, but they discovered 11 were selling them from shelves in plain view, counters with secret compartments, or in back rooms.
    Eventually, the task force developed information that a shipment of chemically-engineered drugs from China was destined for the parish, so they established surveillance at a post office in Mandeville. There, agents observed two people receive a package with the raw materials needed to manufacture synthetic pot.
    The task force realized there was "an active distribution network," Strain said, so it planned to seize any of the banned synthetic substances still being peddled at various retail businesses. Agents purchased packets of the stuff undercover; confirmed at the Sheriff's Office Crime Lab that they contained banned substances; and secured warrants to search the homes and businesses of the stores' owners.
    Authorities seized any illegal products and money discovered at the shops and homes targeted, Strain said. During the course of the investigation, they identified and helped shut down a manufacturing lab in Talisheek, and they notified Louisiana State Police and federal agents of the existence of another one in St. Helena Parish, Strain said.
    Task force members, who were assisted by Mandeville police, ultimately confiscated about 8,500 packets of synthetic marijuana, $115,000 in cash, eight cars and various firearms allegedly linked to the distribution of the substance. They had taken 15 store owners into custody on various drug-related counts by Tuesday; a couple more were believed to be out of the country; and another pair was thought to be "on the run" as of Wednesday.
    In the city of Slidell, about the time the ban against synthetic drugs became law, police delivered a letter to all places known to be offering packets of potpourri and bath salts. The missives warned them to stop selling the merchandise, but some didn't listen, Chief Randy Smith said.
    Officers confiscated more than $292,000 worth of packaged illegal chemicals and compounds from businesses across the municipality on Aug. 19. They obtained warrants and booked six owners on counts of possession with intent to distribute drugs by Tuesday.
    Previously, Slidell Police noted, officers had acted on an anonymous tip to investigate a man named Cody Beaudette, who in March was suspected of selling bath salts and making potpourri in violation of an emergency order from Gov. Bobby Jindal prohibiting such activities at the time. Ultimately, Beaudette got arrested; two manufacturing labs he operated out of apartments he rented got shut down; and authorities seized illegal substances and $34,000 in cash. Records show his trial is tentatively scheduled to start in December.
    Shiny packets of various colors displayed at the press conference read "Train Wreck," "Day & Night," "Fuego," or fire in Spanish, and "Infierno," or hell in Spanish.
    District Attorney Walter Reed promised reporters that his prosecutors would not be lenient on those caught up in the probe. He accused them of "wreaking havoc on (the) community."
    "(They) are going to jail for between five and 30 years," Reed said. "No plea bargaining -- each person (booked) will be tried and will be convicted."

    ...it seems like your money goes to Al Quaida...

    The following people were arrested, or are being sought, in connection with a St. Tammany Parish crackdown on the possession and sale of synthetic marijuana and cocaine:
    St. Tammany Parish Narcotics Task Force
    • Hassan Sffibli, iStop Grocery, 1301 N. Columbia St., Covington
    Out of the country. Arrest warrants issued for one count each of possession with intent to distribute synthetic marijuana, distribution of synthetic marijuana.
    • Al Khalaqi Saleh Kaid Ali, AA Tobacco, 22107 Louisiana 36, Abita Springs
    Out of country. Arrest warrant issued for one count of possession with intent to distribute synthetic marijuana.
    • Angela Boothe and Carl Boothe, Spur station, 76058 Louisiana 435, Talisheek
    Both arrested Sept. 29, on counts of manufacture/distribution of synthetic marijuana, possession of cocaine, possession of oxycodone, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of marijuana, possession of a firearm in presence of narcotics, altering a controlled dangerous substance, illegal use of a controlled dangerous substance in presence of a person under the age of 17, keeping a disorderly place.
    • Kamal Sbith, Goodbee Quick Stop, 16291 Ronald Reagan Highway
    Believed to be on the run. Arrest warrant issued for one count of possession with intent to distribute synthetic marijuana.
    • Arshad A. Tahir, Quick Check, 100 S. Military Road, Slidell
    Arrested Tuesday on one count of possession with intent to distribute synthetic marijuana.
    • Jennifer Cozine and Grant Cozine, Rusty's Spirits & Tobacco, 1848 Florida St., Mandeville
    Both arrested Tuesday on one count of possession with intent to distribute synthetic marijuana
    • Hassan Aljebouri, Discount Zone, 4598 Louisiana 22, Mandeville
    Arrested Tuesday on one count each of possession with intent to distribute synthetic marijuana and distribution of synthetic marijuana
    • Ronald Chow and Luisa Chow, Mandeville Tobacco Plus at 3061 Louisiana 59 and 2660 Florida Street, Mandeville
    Arrested Tuesday on counts of distribution of synthetic marijuana, possession with intent to distribute synthetic marijuana, possession of a firearm in presence of narcotics, possession of an unidentifiable firearm, unlawful transactions involving proceeds from drug offenses, possession of a controlled dangerous substance
    • Ajit Saini and Veena Saini, Jack's Discount Cigarettes, 4438 Pontchartrain Drive, Slidell
    Both arrested Tuesday on one count of possession with intent to distribute synthetic marijuana
    • Adil Elbashad, Bashad Express, 2902 Louisiana 190, Lacombe
    Believed to be on the run. Arrest warrants issued for one count each of possession with intent to distribute synthetic marijuana and distribution of synthetic marijuana.
    • Ahmed Atta and Jamal Salhoot (also known as Jimmy Martin), Market Liquors One Stop, 39499 Gause Boulevard East, Slidell
    Both arrested Tuesday on one count of possession with intent to distribute synthetic marijuana.
    • Richard Quamme and Amanda Wilkes
    Arrested July 28 on counts of possession with intent to distribute synthetic marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of proceeds from illegal drug transactions
    • Miatha Nguyet Hang
    Arrested Aug. 10 on four counts of distribution of synthetic marijuana
    Slidell Police Department
    • Majed Atta, Redfish Trading Co., 3605 Pontchartrain Drive
    Arrested on two counts of possession with intent to distribute a controlled dangerous substance
    • Mohammad Iqbal, Texaco, 727 Fremaux Ave.
    Arrested on one count of possession with intent to distribute a controlled dangerous substance
    • Arshad Tahir, Quick Serve, 626 Old Spanish Trail
    Arrested one count of possession with intent to distribute a controlled dangerous substance
    • Mohammad Alhenawi, Mona's Express, 1504 Gause Boulevard
    Arrested on counts of distribution of a controlled dangerous substance and possession with intent to distribute a controlled dangerous substance
    • Nabeel Mashni, Quick Check, 1414 Shortcut Highway
    Arrested on one count of possession with intent to distribute a controlled dangerous substance
    • Abdel En Nabut, Valero Gas Station, 1418 Gause Blvd.
    Arrested on one count of possession with intent to distribute a controlled dangerous substance

  10. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Good timing right after election? :lol:

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