War on Terror a Scam?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by flabengal, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Lets say that he did. Then he's being unethical, like many politicians and is subject to prosecution. Where is the evidence that he conspired to commit terror on America. Stop dodging this vital question.

    Well, you are the local expert on naiveté. :lol:

    I repeat, how does conflict of interest constitute evidence of terrorism or conspiracy?

    I don't debate with articles, I'm debating with you. I don't think you can argue your conspiracy charge effectively and I'm willing to prove it to you.

    Try to understand . . .Chertoff may be a thief, but that alone does not make him a terrorist. Make your case if you can.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    It's not difficult to understand at all. What is difficult to understand is how this conflates into an actually conspiracy to start a war. It would make a good Tom Clancy novel, but novels are not the truth, now are they?
  3. flabengal

    flabengal Founding Member

    Apr 3, 2003
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    As far as debating with articles, you asked for evidence. So I posted something which I thought you would accept as evidence. There is also the eyewitness testimony of two attorneys who were on the flight and saw the underwear bomber trying to check in without a passport. That should also constitute evidence. If I'm not mistaken the lawyers are going to testify.

    But as far as making my case, that is easy enough. The underwear bomber is not a US citizen and boarded a flight bound for the US without a passport. One cannot do this. It is impossible. You could try to board a flight bound for the US, without a passport, as a US citizen and you would be turned away....and you wouldn't have a goddamn bomb in your pants.

    He did board the flight, with a bomb in his pants....he could not have done this without an authority figure overriding standard security procedures. And I have to repeat....he did this with a goddamn bomb in his pants.

    It is absurd to believe this just happened to succeed.

    But I appreciate you posing some legitimate questions.
  4. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Sometime processes don't work. Sometimes controls are ineffective or are not carried out properly I don't guess it could be that simple. It has to be some grand plan where a political appointee conspires to kill citizens to get rich. That makes the most sense.
  5. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    So what did hot pants ackbar have to do with 9-11?
  6. flabengal

    flabengal Founding Member

    Apr 3, 2003
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    Go into an ABC liquor store and try and buy something without an ID. And you're over 21. No chance, bud.

    The person working the front is the LEAST AUTHORITATIVE staff member around and is not going to risk their job for the most basic policy of the company.

    Companies check that crap. They send in "shoppers" to see what happens and the staff knows this. The counter person would never in a million years give the ok. They will always defer to a more senior staff member so the front staff will not get the axe for violating the first rule of the goddamn company.

    You have to present valid ID, man. No ID, no chance. Try it.....and that's a liquor store.

    Try getting on a plane:

    1) Bound for the US.
    2) Without a passport.
    3) As a non-US citizen.
    4) With a ****ing bomb in your pants.

    Give me a break, man. Open your eyes to the world around you....somebody let the dude on the plane on purpose knowing the bomb was a dud to cause a big stir about increasing airport security with "scanners" so they can see under your clothes.
  7. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    What planet do you live on? You have never heard of a shop keep selling to underage kids. When I was a kid there was a place called Dale's Quick Stop at the front of my street and the shop clerk Perry would sell beer to anyone. I was buying beer there when I was 15.

    Man you have no idea how the world works. People at all levels of an organization don't do things they should and do things they shouldn't. It happens because of a lack of care, because they are poorly trained, because they are lazy, because they don't know any better, and any other number of reasons. A policy is not a control. It sets a standard for actions to be evaluated against.

    So you think a dude won't sell a beer to an 18 year old because he is afraid of losing his minimum wage job, but think the Homeland Security President will conspire to kill Americans? And I'm the one who needs his eyes opened? :rolleye33:

    Dude you are loonier than Art Bell on LSD.

    I just got back from Albertson's about 30 minutes ago. I bought beer and was not Id'd. The sign by the register said anyone under the age of 65 will be id'd when purchasing beer. I suppose the cashier knowingly did whatever because of whatever.

    Yes. I already said there clearly must be some conspiracy because low level employees never break company policies and always perform their jobs to the T. If a dude got on a plane without a passport it is clearly an elaborate ploy by a political appointee to get rich selling how ya call its to whatever.

    Man it is hard to take you seriously. I feel like you have to be messing with me.
  8. flabengal

    flabengal Founding Member

    Apr 3, 2003
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    Well, it's a shame we don't live in the same town because I would really like to bet you $100 and go down to the ABC liquor store and see what happens. If you could talk your way through to getting liquor in there w/o an ID then I would happily pay you $100.

    On the other hand maybe you are older than I thought...:hihi:
  9. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I'm 41 (look like I'm 21 though) and I buy beer/liquor all the time and almost never get carded.
  10. flabengal

    flabengal Founding Member

    Apr 3, 2003
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    In a liquor store? I thought the law was that you are not allowed to buy anything (candy bar, coca cola, etc) without an ID in a liquor store.

    They're strict as hell at the ABC down the street here....

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