It seems to me that if you believe in prayer you should pray for the president and the country no matter who the president is since you and we live in this great country. We all should be concerned for our leaders to make right decisions and not left ones, O, I mean wrong ones.:grin:
I respect the office and the man. Your opinion is just that. Funny how about 5 comedians chimed in with their witticisms. The rest just silently nod and agree. A microcosm of America. That's why the Dems will always be on the outside looking in.
I absolutely respect the office and generally President Bush. I disagree with him about 60% of the time, but that doesn't mean I don't respect the guy. However, that was far and away the hokiest post I've seen in quite some time. Would you have posted that with a Democrat in office? The original post just makes it sound like a pity party for a guy that wanted the job as badly as anyone. Boohoo. Not according to opinion polls. And I don't really follow the Dems part. Are you insinuating that I'm a Democrat? :rofl: Or that another President will never be a Democrat? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Sabanfan is still a member of the Whig party. He's just hiding it and going with the Rep. because they don't have much of a chance anymore. :hihi:
I didn't write the damn thing. I just thought I'd pass it along to rile up Red and CC. At least they have minds of their own and are not parrots squawking out whatever they hear on the news.
Yes, I feel sorry for him, too, but "This Man" made the bed he is sleeping in. Anybody who does a job badly is subject to criticism, especially an elected job. It works that way for everybody, you and me included. "This Man" gets no free pass.