fixed I do not trust his longtime association with Trinity United "Church of Christ", which is a Black Liberation Theology church... it has little to do with Biblical Christianity. He has very little actual voting record other than votes for higher taxes (what a surprise). He has only been a U.S. senator for less than three years. I do not agree with his liberal philosophy on increasing taxes on the rich. Universal Health Care for all Americans is not a right and we should not implement it. There are plenty of socialistic health care programs that are already in place. I don't want to become Canada. He personally possesses little knowledge and experience with foreign policy issues and poorly handled the Russian-Georgian conflict. He has not personally visited these areas in question as John McCain has. Last I checked, Sarah Palin isn't running for President. You calling her an ideological syncophant doesn't strike any chords with those who agree with her "ideology" as it were.
" one would ever propose, not in a McCain-Palin administration, to do anything to prohibit, say, visitations in a hospital or contracts being signed, negotiated between parties." she's saying her views on this are just like obama/biden. the only regulation on gays is that their unions cant be called "marriage". care to recant your statement?
I realize that there is a long list of thing that you don't like about Obama. I assumed you were suggesting that he was not qualified to be President, suggesting that he was not eligible, officially recognized, or had failed to meet a necessary condition.
No. He is unqualified in my opinion because 1) he has neither served long enough nor has enough of a record in the U.S. Senate 2) is woefully inexperienced on foreign policy matters. This is much more important now that Putin is trying to flex his muscles (and it's still Putin's country, beleeeee dat)
but its not christian, or biblical for a man to know a man. if its not christian it should be illegal.
Many people, myself included, saw only the edited snippets from the Couric (and that other) interview. What we saw from the MSM was very unfavorable to Palin. That was intentional.
I dont think it was intentional. Her answers are her answers, they cant doctor that up. Like the question about an example of McCains reform on the economy, she just didnt know and didnt have an answer for that, thats her own fault, not the medias. I agree media outlets have slants either left or right. But I dont buy into the notion that they purposely tried to make her unfavorable.