"The Advocate" says the camera operator (no crew, it was just a little personal mini-cam) works for the Democratic Party. And the woman claims to have no political agenda, but she managed to position herself to get interviewed by WBRZ before she confronted Vitter. They didn't even ask her about health care, which was the subject of the town hall.
liberals and progressives i.e. communists and socialists. Dumber than a bag of hammers or box of rocks. Leftists control major media and resort to name calling and insults because they cannot intelligently support their ideas. They want to save the planet but only at your expense and lost of your freedom. See how much you like them after Cap and Trade is shoved down our throats and energy prices sky rocket along with the cost of everything else. Not to mention taxing the pee out of the middle class and wealth redistribution. Want an good example of liberal run government check out California(bankrupt because of stupid spending policies and high taxes). Global warming is a farse. If Al Gore is so worried about it why does he still jet around in private planes and limos? What a crock. Just want to take your freedoms and money. Marx would be proud. I know Obama's buddy Chavez is.