1. You don't give a sh!t about the alleged rape victim. You just want to rant about another "neo-con". You're gonna be something when you get to be my age.

    The way she was working her yap, he probably hoped a mention of "The Chosen One" would mute her.

    By the way. I'm no big fan of Vitter.
  2. Like the people at the health care town halls let the dems talk?
  3. Ahhhh liberals. So predictable.

    He let her talk. She was still jabbering when he walked out.
  4. Ahhh conservatives, walk out or result to insults when you can't defend your actions.

    Vitter was probably so upset he went to a hooker.
  5. resort
  6. !twocrystals!
    I could really dislike you if you'd just lose the sense of humor :hihi:
  7. So why are you defending his actions.

    He's pathetic.
  8. Because you are unfairly critcizing him. Bitch wouln't shut up so he left. I would have called her a stupid ****.
  9. She didn't shut up because he didn't give an answer.
  10. He couldn't get a word in. He tried. She didn't care what he had to say. She was grandstanding.