1. True but with these companies, government is your largest client and you are forced to do what your largerst client asks of you. I actually think this should be approached as a statute rather than a requirement to receive a government contract. The statute however, should land somewhere in between the two "proposals"

    The porn star will win because the people will demand it. I still want to see/attend the fundraiser where she gives lap dances at 5k a pop and they are tax deductible. This needs to happen.
  2. how in the world does red tape get in the way of prosecuting people for gang raping a woman?
  3. damn straight, and stormy isn't bad looking, at least she isn't when she is airbrushed.

  4. again, if you are raped, take the case to the courts against thre guys who raped you. if your company fires you for it, too damn bad. if your company has a policy that says you cant sue them for rape, good, comapnies dont rape people, people rape people. if your company tells you you cant leave or you will get fired, then leave, or dont. take the damn case to court, get the guys who did it jailed.

    obviously desinged purely as a political ploy by the democrats for republicans to be portrayed as pro-rape.
  5. She worked at the gold club for three years. Truth is, even though I've only been there once, I can't say for absolute certain that she hasn't given me a lap dance. I want to go to my grave knowing that it's possible a US senator gave me lap dance for twenty bucks. It just warms my heart.
  6. If she would have shut up and let him talk, he probably wouldn't have walked away.
  7. This thread took a turn for the better!


  8. Or if it was a hooker convention, he probably wouldnt have walked away:thumb:
  9. He did talk. He hid behind Obama.. I mean WTF. Vitter is a coward and yet another "moral" republican showing his true colors.
  10. True but he didn't really let her talk either. With that many cameras on you, it's a stupid move.