Hold that thought for a bit. The last two times we’ve been to the WCWS, we lost the first game (in 2017 and 2016). The last 3 years in super regionals, the winner of game one ended up getting knocked out. End of the day, we won’t last long even if we do make it to CWS, at least I don’t see it. The little I got to watch today, we had trouble playing pitch and catch today and our experienced infield is supposed to be our strength.
I never understood that rule in baseball either,.. turns out it was one of the original rules of baseball, first laid out in the Knickerbocker Rulebook in 1845. I suppose it made as much sense then as deciding, "three strike you're out".
I have no theory. Da rules is da rules. I think I mentioned a few weeks back that ya pitcher had a tendency to hop. Really? It's to avoid a catcher purposely dropping the ball and then trying to engineer an unfair double or triple play. Cracks me up though, how many times parents don't understand the rule and will yell at their daughter to run even though 1st is already occupied. Girl on 1st gets confused cause everyone's yelling and she sees batter headed her way, so SHE leaves the bag and both get called out. Man, on man, did I get the receiving end of some colorful language in the dugout about stupid parents, lol.
But that’s jut it, if strike 3 is an out, and there was no dropped strike rule, that could not happen. Strike three- dropped or not- should mean carry your bat and ass back to the dugout. Doesn’t even have to be dropped, actually. Can hit the ground and be caught, as I’m sure you know. A lot of people don’t know that at ball that bounces to the plate can hebert put in play, if hit. What you said about engineering an unfair DO is why there is an infield fly rule, and I get that. In the younger ages. I’ve done that, COUNTING on the stupid parent to yell and make the opposing catcher make an errant throw. Shit works too. The base runner has right to advance with liability to be put out, in that scenario.
I guess based on the history of how/why the rule came into being (which was to make even shitty batters part of the game) and further updates, you almost have to think of it as looking at it from the opposite perspective. The rule is only invoked under certain conditions and IMO, it doesn't really impact the outcome of the game. It makes the players more aware and more accountable. The two rules are basically the same thought process, the ball is just in a different spot.
ugly accident,.. the catcher and pitcher, are both Oregon transfers Texas pitcher 'doing well' after being hit in face http://www.espn.com/espnw/video/26816277/texas-pitcher-good-spirits-getting-hit-errant-throw
All pitchers should wear a mask. This is a very unusual injury but still....they make a lot of sense. Glad she's okay.
But it does impact the outcome in early ages. I remember a game as a 10 yr old where one of my my daughters had 12 K’s but only 8 recorded because runner reached on a dropped 3rd. GET A CATCHER who can catch the dam ball, I know. My catcher was actually pretty athletic too. Her uncle was a RB st LSU. I remember a parent coming up to me after the game and saying, “Man (daughter’s name) had an uncharacteristically bad night tonight.” I laughed and told her how many K’s were wiped and runners reaching because of it.
Agree. I begged my daughter to wear one but they were jut out back then and she didn’t feel comfortable with it. My youngest played a lot of 3rd base and I really wanted her too as well but didn’t push it.