Re: Re: Vandy has got to go VANDY'S A WITCH! BURN THEM AT THE STAKE! Seriously Vanderbilt dosen't contibute anything to the SEC in any sport except once in a while a decent basketball team. They do help the academic profile of the SEC so maybe we could trade them to the ACC for Duke who at least has great basketball teams to contribute to the share revenue of the conference.
We really don't want USM in the SEC. The Miss talent pool is already seriously depleted, and adding another Miss school will further stretch that. I would prefer GT rather than Clemson. The UGA/GT rivalry adds an extra dimension to the conference. However, which SEC East team would need to switch to the West? UK would be my vote...
Texas would never leave the big 12. That would mean giving up games against their two biggest rivals, Texas A&M, and OU. They could keep the games as OOC games but that would mean a bitch of a schedule.
Anyways, how does Vandy manage to be so bad?? With all of the $$ that comes along with being in the SEC it seems like they could put together some impressive facilities and pay some coach alot of $$ to go there, then be able to hold their own. I guess not though.
I know I'm going to get flamed for saying this, but what about Tulane? The extra confrence money will help their AD out plus their academics would be similar to Vandy's and they usually put out a decent team team in baseball, basketball and football. Their recruiting would probably benefit from being in the SEC as well. Flame away.
I've always wanted to have a real natural rival anyway. Hopefully the change in affiliation and competion would allow Tulane to get better as a team... but I mean.. they are already better than Vandy....
Why would someone need to switch to the west? Vandy is in the east, I would assume the new team goes to the east, no problems.
I would hate to have 2 SEC teams in La. I like being the only game in town. I would vote for Ga. Tech. that way all of us tigers in Atl could see LSU more often.