Vandy flies out, triples and flies to score the runner at 3rd. Classical example of the way LSU has played like a team going to the motion this year. On the triple, nobody was aware that the runner was going to take 3 so the outfielder could not make the throw to third. The runner would have be limited only to a double and no run would have scored. Vandy 6-3 going to the bottom of the 8th
Liuzza singles. Zeringue doubles Liuzza scores. Clay Harris singles Zeringue scores. Clay at 1st 0 outs. Vandy 6-5
Blake Gill flies out to the outfield. Runner tags from 3rd. Holt grounds out to 2nd 6-6 TIE GAME going to the 9th
Detterman gets out of a jam with a runner at third with a fly out to end the inning. Going to the 10th with a chance to win it. 6-6 TIE GAME