Uvalde Tragedies

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by BornOnTheBayou, May 25, 2022.

  1. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Oh I have an idea who you are by your post, it speaks volumes. If you agree with that arrogant insulting post of Winstons than yes I have a good idea of who you are. You think like a DEMOCRAT. You think we are helpless and need you and your vile party to shepherd us deplorables through life because we are like sheep. In the last 3 days 2 women showed more courage and integrity than you have ever had. How dare a mother protect her child and a girl take out a mass murderer without your or your party's help.

    We out here don't need your "help".
  2. Rex

    Rex Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Wouldn't it be just lovely for the NRA if every school district in this country had to buy weapons for every school teacher, courtesy of the politicians they bribed?

    So, I'm watching this foreign movie, and one of the students asks the teacher if she can go to the bathroom... sure, he says... and she walks out of an unlocked door. I guess in the Republican concept of American schools our teacher would have to interrupt her lesson, call an armed security guard to come over to escort the student down the hallway, go to her desk to get her AR-15 because she sure doesn't want it unattended while her back is turned unlocking the door (or maybe she has it strapped to herself the whole time?), unlock the door, open the door, make sure the student and the security guard meet up, lock the door when the student exits, go back to her lessons, wait for a knock from the returning student, unlock the door (after first looking through to the peep hole to make sure it's the security guard and her returning student and not some sneaky murderous bastard), open the door to allow the student to return to her seat, lock the door again, get on with the lesson. Or maybe the student doesn't ask for the bathroom in the first place, because who in their right mind (except some lovable but mischievous little twat) wants the stigma of causing all that disruption? So maybe the student has an accident in her panties, instead. Who knows.... except that the European student and teacher don't have "the freedom" of worrying about such things.

    So, let's get on with the Republican plan. Let's have prisons as schools, while those Brits and Germans go about enjoying their school days, but not experiencing the "freedom" of having themselves caged up. GOD BLESS AMERICA!
    Last edited: May 28, 2022
  3. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    You know there are flights to Merry Ole England and where you would be more comfortable der Fatherland, Deutschland. So hop on a flight to der Deutschland life will be wonderful. Bon voyage heir Rex
  4. msully

    msully Founding Member

    Sep 21, 2002
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    Security is 90% visible.
  5. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Hey Kiki answer me this
    So let me get this straight, all year you’ve been screaming about how we can’t trust teachers. They teach CRT! They are groomers! They are indoctrinators! But now you trust them enough with a gun to protect kids from the next mass shooter?
  6. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Did you miss OR purposely forget my post to you on Friday May 27 at 2:13pm where I said "Arm some teachers"and "Lastly get these woke pussy teachers out of our schools"?.

    Here I re posted it for you well not for you but for others here to show this post to me is disingenuous and deceitful. Here is what I posted to you May 27 at 2:13pm. Highlighted in red is what you ommitted. Oh you are a sneaky little leftist but you been caught like Hilary and Russia, Russia Russia.

    Post exchange between Winston and Kiki Friday May 27 at 2:13pm.

    Winstons Post
    As I said earlier there are no one shot solutions. Neither taking guns away or armoring schools is realistic or possible. It will take multiple avenues to address the many causes of these events and the different paths they take. just like the concept of eliminating semi-automatic weapons is laughable so is the idea that any limitation on arms is contrary to the second amendment.
    One other significant point detailed in the following article is that in the last 50 years every mass murderer has signaled his intent prior to acting out. Signs that were either not recognized or ignored or couldn’t be acted on. There is a potentially significant aide to using these signs to thwart the killers, red flag laws. Interestingly this is one idea that finds support on both sides of the aisle. They have been enacted in both blue and red states. Maybe this could be a good first step.

    My answer to Winston May 27 2:13pm;
    ARMING some teachers, ARMED private adequately paid security guards from 7am to 5pm at every school, maned and electronic detection system at single point entry and extra tough security locks on all classroom doors. Aslo all teachers, principals and staff should drill for these eventualities. Lastly get these woke pussy teachers out of our schools. Once again if we can do the below we can certainly do the above plan.


    OK there it is in black, red and white crystal clear for you and all to see. So how are you going to misrepresent this post?
    Last edited: May 29, 2022
  7. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Just talked to a kid that was in one of my platoons back in the day, he is now PD in Montgomery County, TX. They have him on loan to Uvalde at the moment and he said it is a complete shit show down there. Sad
  8. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    arming teachers isnt a great idea. teaching and shooting are really different skillsets.
    fanatic and Winston1 like this.
  9. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    I agree. My wife is a teacher and arming her would just put more people in danger. She's a teacher, not a cop.
  10. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    My head hurts trying to understand your thinking. So which of the following can or cannot be taught to handle a gun to defend children and themselves; a housewife, an accountant, a lawyer, a doctor, a geologists, a roofer, a hairdresser, an electrician, a chef, an astronaut, a baker, a ballet dancer or a garbage truck driver? Small list of professions but a slice. So which in your view can or cannot be taught to defend children and themselves with a firearm?
    Last edited: May 29, 2022

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