Use of Marijuana by Senior Citizens on the rise.

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LaSalleAve, Feb 25, 2010.

  1. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Unless the house is on fire.
  2. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    it's selective. i'm telling you it's a gift passed down by my parents, the gift of tuning out.
  3. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    I have it as well, though in my case it's deafness, or "selective hearing".
  4. Bandit88

    Bandit88 Old Enough to Know Better

    Dude. It's illegal. If it were legal, she wouldn't go to jail.

    And since when did infringing upon rights become the litmus test for whether something is legal or not?
  5. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    In Louisiana oral sex is illegal. You gonna turn down a hummer from ali landry behind the state palace theater on Canal St?
  6. Bandit88

    Bandit88 Old Enough to Know Better

    That's not the question. The question is, should I go to jail for breaking the law?

    An additional question (and you decide the answer) would be: was it worth breaking the law?

    Risk vs. reward - very basic concept. :lol:

    BAY0U BENGAL I'm a Chinese Bandit

    Justify it all you want, cause you like to do weed. If rape was legal, people would get laid everyday for free.
  8. Chase4LSU

    Chase4LSU Waiting on Mettenberger

    I doubt it. In Louisiana, simple possession of possession of Marijuana is a misdemeanor. I know other states jack it up to a felony and take hard stances even on somebody having a joint, but some jails would not even take granny for something that small in the scheme of things. In the city where I work, it's a misdemeanor, and there's even a simple city ordinance against it so that a summons could be wrote for it, the weed gets booked as evidence, and granny goes to a trial. The judge, in all likelihood, would just gitve a suspended sentence or throw it out entirely.
    In short, if there is an active war on drugs, granny isn't the enemy. The guy that sold it to her, her neighbor, and everybody else on the block is.
  9. MLUTiger

    MLUTiger Secular Humanist

    August 2, 1776
  10. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    i recognize it as law, but its a stupid law, just like the oral sex law. People who want marijuana to be illegal are either, people who want others to handle their responsibilities so they don't have to parent, religious nut jobs, people who have stock in prison's, tobacco, alcohol, pain medications etc. Or people who are just too dumb to realize that their tax dollars are going to waste.

    wow, rape? Really? Anslinger is that you?

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