I hate espn and didnt listen to any of their postgame or pregame hype. You'd likely be surprised if you didnt dislike USC. more than likely one of the top 20 ever. probably top 10. a very good defense is all you need to win the NC. that much should be known. tee martin won one. peyton manning did not.
VABuckeye, It's not that all SEC fans are anti-USC. What we're tired of is listening to all the USC media hype and all the whining when they lose. Could they be highly competitive if they played in the SEC?...SURE Would they lose more often if they played in the SEC?...YOU BET YA! The fact of the matter is there is currently a system in place that everyone agreed to. Not many of us like it but it's better than the days of an undefeated BYU playing a weak 6-5 Michigan and being awarded the National Championship. Did USC lose to Texas in the National Championship?...yes. Did they beat Oklahoma for the title?...yes. That's 50% but we're supposed to assume that they would've won several additional times if they had only been in the title game? I don't buy it. Look back at their AP title. Why should they have been #1? Some will say due to their great offense. Some will say their great defense. USC's defense that year was nothing special. LSU only gave up 11 points per game against better competition. I wish LSU had played them to expose their defense. I didn't hear Pete Carroll cry foul when 13-0 Auburn wasn't considered National Champs even though they outscored their opponents 417-147. The fact of the matter is USC has one title in 30 years...period. End of story.
Without a playoff, we'll never know how many licks it takes to get to the center of the tootsie-pop. Assuming a relatively high rating for USC, I believe they deserved a shot on the field to play for the national championship. As things stand, Florida is the national champion (I do believe FU has the strongest case) and I feel most badly for Utah. Texas also got screwed by their conference, but that's a peacock of a different feather. But... I'm still a hater.
I did like USC, and they're in my top 4: Florida, Utah, Okla, USC, Texas... But the Pac-10 was awful this year. And if there's possibly worse, it's the Lil 10, who offered up their annual Rose Bowl Sacrifice. They had no control of their schedule, just like UTAH. But...Oregon St. 27 USC 21 UTAH 31 Oregon St. 28
did you really just try this one? that doesn't work in sports ex: Texas Tech beat Texas OU beat Texas Tech OU should crush Texas but didn't
Yes, I agree. :shock: http://www.tigerforums.com/showthread.php?t=80435 I think there may still be a wee bit of angst left in Tigerland. http://wearesc.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=1806&stc=1&d=1231273307 IMO, there are 3 teams this year that could make sufficient arguments for being the best. Florida, USC, and Utah. To tirk's original point, our defense was good enough to have kept us in any game. The question is whether our offense would have delivered enough points at the right time for a win. To continue to use Oregon St as a reason for keeping USC out of the discussion would be rather like keeping this year's LSU season as a reason for keeping LSU out of the Team of the Decade discussion. USC has been to 7 consecutive BCS bowl games and are 6-1. Those "shouldn't have" losses in the last 3 years are what has kept us from playing for the crystal for 3 additional years. Yes, it does seem to be a pattern and yes, USC fans question it each and every year. OTOH, it seems ridiculously spoiled to complain considering all the records that have been broken, the continued success, and the ride we have been on. It would be akin to a parent lamenting having 3 daughters when they wanted a son and yet knowing how many people can't have any children at all. Bottom line is IMO, USC could very well be the best team in the country this year. We didn't play in the game last night but I thoroughly enjoyed our RB win and couldn't have asked for a better ending.
Yeah, they could be but between Pete Carroll's crying and Brent Musberger's cheering, I 'm not inclined to give a ****.
I watch them play and draw my own conclusio0ns from watching multilpe games. and look for more than the results of just one game. mindsets of teams going into a game is huge. That Oregon State game was just an Oregon State game for USC. but for Oregon State, it was their Super Bowl and they seized the moment. Just like we get Ole Piss' best shot every year, and we don't necessarily give them ours. Personally, I think USC is better than OU or UT (seen all 3 play several times this year). Tough to say about Utah since I've only seen them once and have no clue if they always play like their hair is on fire. USC vs UF would probably be a great game. I have no idea who would even be favored on a neutral field.
They might be but I would give the edge to Florida. USC = great Pac 10 defense and good offense. Fla = very good SEC defense along with that legendary "SEC Speed" and very good offense which leads me to favor Florida.