USC got the Booty infection?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Berge, Oct 9, 2007.

  1. pjnchamps

    pjnchamps Founding Member

    Feb 7, 2007
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    Anybody remember Tristen Ross the WR from Evangel that was 4 star and signed with Oklahoma. He was real good at Evangel also but never really heard of him since?
  2. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Until Saturday I was still of the mind that JDB is our guy. Some of that is based on the fact that #2 Mark Sanchez has nothing more than mop up stats and has recently come off an injury to his throwing hand. In addition, JDB had shown improvement in areas of previous conern- looking off the primary receiver, going through progressions, and more of a pocket presence. Unfortunately last Saturday, Harbaugh called for a terrific game plan including stuffing the run with 8 or 9 in the box and pressuring Booty. Many have felt as do I that Booty is still insecure with the big hit since his back surgery last year.

    Certainly the loss of Jarrett and Smith is felt. Based on what's happened with DJ's NFL career so far, he should have stayed another year. But there is no reason why Booty and Patrick Turner shouldn't have made the same connection you reference with Flynn and Doucet. Turner has dropped a TON of passes and the receivers, including fullbacks have had problems with their route running.

    I'm ready for Sanchez to come in. I don't expect he will turn everything around. We've got more problems than at QB. While it is true that he worked quite a bit with Ausberry on the scout team, that's not the reason I see. At this point, he is a better QB under pressure and is a solid runner, something Booty can't offer. Plus there's just something that suggests things need to be shaken up. If Sanchez can provide a bit of a spark and avoid the turnovers, then why not?
  3. JM Tiger

    JM Tiger Founding Member

    Jan 17, 2007
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    Thanks for the response, nice post!

    I am from Shreveport, so I really have never liked the Bootys.

    The first game I saw one play in was the Shreveport Championship when JDB was in 7th grade against my former middle school. They awarded the trophy to Evangel before the game (Guess they assumed they would win), but they lost.

    Second game I saw a Booty in, Josh Booty thrww 5 ints in death valley against UAB and lose homecoming.

    Dad is a prick. Just not a big fan of their family; not that it has anything to do with this convo!

    Hope things turn around for y'all, was looking forward to the '03 NC that should've been.
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