If they were ranked 5, then you'd be screaming "we can't get any respect". Some can't be pleased, I guess. :dis:
You all can have it. As if you didn't have a big enough target on your back, it's about to get bigger. You are in a similar situation to Ohio State, Miami, and other big time programs now. Not to say you haven't had talented good teams before. Not to say that teams haven't been guning for you before, but when you are the defending National Champions players who are average seem to play the game of their life against you. When your #1, it's worse than merely being the defending National Champion. Good Luck, but if you start there, you can only move down, be careful what you wish for. The best time to have respect, as some have said, is at the end of the season when no one can take your crown.
I don't know what everyone is fussing about - our preseason #1 ranking is nothing like Auburn's, not even close. Auburn was floating on hype that caught fire on the cover of Sporting News, certainly not the ESPN poll. Big difference. Secondly, we are at the top of the hill, we have celebrated and now the time has come to drop our lifted arms, wipe off the smiles, turn around and stare right back down the hill we just climbed at the rest of the pack. Who cares how often the preseason #1 wins the Championship - stats of that nature hold no water when Nick Saban is walking the sidelines - save that statistic for a Spurrier or a Bowden. I will tell you this, after the way things went down last year I like being in the driver's seat from the starting line. USC will most likely not lose a game next year. They return too much talent and the Puss-10 gets weaker as they get stronger. With this in mind, and after the events of last season, I like it on top. As for having a bullseye on our backs - so what, we also have rings on our fingers, a genius pacing the sidelines and Death Valley is still Death Valley. We're #1 now, so if you want some I suggest you stop singing it and start bringing it because it belongs to LSU...
Amen Brutha, and if you guys want a team ranked lower, then find another team to root for. (maybe troy state) :cry: This LSU team has worked hard to get the respect that they are getting and I'm sure none of them are apologizing to any of you for that.
Now you're a mind reader as well, you have no idea what I would "scream" until I post it here so get over yourself. With a New QB and some key departures being ranked anywhere in the top 5 is good. :geaux: :lsug: :champs:
my last post to you since I tried to explain my reasoning. I dont whine when we arent preseason #1. never have never will. I dont like it. Always thought it was best to be mid to bottom half of the top 10. But hey, you're entitled to ignore what i repeat over and over all you want. Im not one who wants it both ways so quit lumping in with those who do. And yes, Im happy til someone puts words in my mouth like you try to do. heh cya
Nothing to bring, we will just mind our business up in Columbus as we win another Big Ten Championship, and will be a factor in the National Championship hunt. Also IF you think USC will go undefeated (and I personally don't) have no doubt in your mind that they will jump you. They are the media darling right now for reasons I can't understand. Hell they will jump OU ahead of you after a loss, they will jump Texas in front of you if they can beat OU, they will jump Miami in front of you if some loud mouth punk declares himself the chosen one. The will do anything they can to keep you from winning again. JMO.
Let me try to understand you. You want the tigers to win every game, you want them to have respect, you want them to win titles left and right, but you don't want the ranking that comes along with all that success? You can't have a championship team and expect the pollsters to rank the tigers low because you don't want the hype. How asinine is that? :dis:
My suggestion to you, find another team to pull for. This team is gonna strive to get and stay at the top, and you seem to want a "mid to bottom half of the top 10" team, so find one that strives for that position. You my friend, are on the wrong train. :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: