Yes AU was preseason #1 in some publications not sure which polls or whatever but you're totally missing my point. Its not "my view". I dont like being preseason #1 in football whether last yr or this yr. My problem is this idiot talked very badly about TS and us, its fanbase. Im not looking at it as strictly an LSU FAN because a true LSU fan would want their team to be #1 always, regardless. Not me. Its a character issue. I dont respect his opinions so I dont want him "tooting LSU's horn" knowing how he feels about us. Secondary to that, I dont like the meaningless hype that comes along with being ranked 1 preseason.
I must have missed that poll. I think you just called yourself a non-true LSU fan in this one, and I disagree about a true LSU fan always wanting them to be #1. He's not "tooting LSU's horn", he's giving his opinions on the rankings. You know, people views, of a given team, change as time goes on and that team shows improvement.
It's not like this guy wrote a whole article on how great LSU is, that would be tooting their horns. He just did his rankings and LSU happens to be first. BTW, a "true fan" would be happy that his team got a #1 ranking and wouldn't wish for them to be lower in the polls. :wink:
we'll agree to disagree. #1 spot preason usually doesnt end up #1. almost never. A true fan who hears some tool call his stadium a dump and its fans trash yet is happy about his little preseason poll has their priorities mixed up....but that's my view. Be happy all you want. I already stated most 'true fans' would want their team #1 need to repeat my statement.
When was the last time the preseason #1 ended up winning the NC? It dosen't happen very often. LSU as the defending National Champion already has a large bullseye on their backs without being the preseason #1 favorite. There is enough pressure already without giving Tiger foes the added incentive of knocking off the #1 team. I would rather see USC, Oklahoma, Miami or especially Georgia carry that burden until its time for LSU to assume their rightful position at the top of the heap.
It's nice to see the team get the recognition and be preseason #1 but it means nothing until January 5th 2005. To insinuate that anyone that doesn't want to see them preseason #1 is not a " true fan " is a load of crap to say the least. I would rather be preseason ranked around #5 and have the team thinking that the so called experts are showing them no respect. As long as they are ranked #1 when it is all said and done is all that matters. All LSU fans want them to be #1 in the end but many have different reasons for not wanting them preseason #1, just ask Auburn fans their opinion. :geaux: :lsug: :champs:
Please provide link. I can just see it now, Tirk will be the only LSU fan in the stadium, cursing the polls to the high heavens because LSU is #1. Look for Tirk, he'll be the only one with a frown on his face.