Unofficial Reports: John Chavis New DC

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by islstl, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. khounba

    khounba Founding Member

    Aug 25, 2006
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    Re: DC Watch: John Chavis

    I tend to agree with this. There's really no point in making an announcement now if an agreement has been made. I know fans would like to see the new DC in place for the bowl because they want immediate results, but it isn't going to happen. As the days go by, and a big name is still on the table, the media will dig and dig and a leak will eventually happen that may force LSU's hand. But until then, I think they wait.
  2. JohnLSU

    JohnLSU Tigers

    Nov 24, 2007
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    Re: DC Watch: John Chavis

    This was Dandy Don's opinion on Saturday:

    Friday was a crazy day for rumors and questions. The most often asked question I received via email was something like “What is taking Les Miles so long to announce his changes on the coaching staff?" There are several reasons, in my opinion. I do believe that Miles has made contract with several potential defensive coordinators through a third party and pretty much knows who is available and who he would like to hire. In my opinion, Miles is not in a hurry to make an announcement because Miles is a very good person and does not want to terminate any of his assistant coaches until after the bowl game because all the LSU coaches receive bonuses for coaching in bowl games, with the bigger the bowl game the bigger the bonus. At this time, I believe Les Miles is very concerned about the future of the coaches on his staff who will not be returning to LSU and is probably making phone calls to help his departing coaches find new jobs. Another reason, in my opinion, is that hiring new coaches at this time would not benefit the team because the new coaches would not have time to learn the players and the scheme that LSU runs before the bowl game. I might be wrong, but it would not surprise me at all to see Miles wait until after the bowl game is played before making any announcement. I do believe that Vic Koenning from Clemson is the leading candidate to become LSU's next defensive coordinator. John Chevas' name is also still being mentioned often.

    Today, Dandy Don wrote this:

    I also received several messages from fans angry about Les Miles not yet stepping forward to address the defensive coordinators position at LSU. In my opinion, Coach Miles needs to hold a press conference to let Tiger fans know if there will be any changes made on the coaching staff, especially the defensive side of the ball. I believe Coach Miles fully understands that the co-defensive coordinator position is not working and if changes are not made he will start to lose the confidence of the fans, and if the team's record does not improve in the 2009 season Les Miles will start feeling heat from high authorities.

    Monday was a quiet day for any new names as possible hires for the defensive coordinator position, if the position becomes available. Tyrone Nix's (Ole Miss) name is being mentioned as is John Thompson's, the defensive coordinator at Georgia State. Vic Koenning's (Clemson) name had been mentioned as a possible replacement for Peveto and Mallory but he got tired of waiting and accepted the defensive coordinator job at Kansas State. John Chavas, formerly of Tennessee, appears to be the front runner for the job.

    He also pointed out that:

    Coach Miles will meet with the media following practice on December 14 [Sunday].
  3. GregLSU


    Dec 2, 2007
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    Re: DC Watch: John Chavis

    This statement goes back to what I was saying. Now it's there for everyone to see. VK did not turn down the LSU offer, as he was never offered the LSU job. He took another job... to his alma mater before he lost his chance if LSU wasn't going to work out for him. Hmmm... so many people here they think tnhey have all the insider news and trade secrets... LOL. Which is why we've seen thread titles change a 100 times because certain people think their in the know and jump to their conclusions only to be wrong.
  4. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    Re: DC Watch: John Chavis

    yeah that proves he wasnt offered. dandy don said so. likely got the info from a person or two like you thinking they know when they have no clue one way or the other.

    quit mocking the respected people on this board who likely have legit info even though it doesnt coincide with yours.

    one thing is for sure, you're claiming to know what took place despite knowing no one with any info. you're basing your outcome on a couple of articles and your pessimistic outlook on miles.

    enough with the lame I told you so drivel.
    1 person likes this.
  5. GregLSU


    Dec 2, 2007
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    Re: DC Watch: John Chavis

    I'm not mocking anyone, but to each his own.
  6. Nutriaitch

    Nutriaitch Fear the Buoy

    Nov 16, 2005
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    Re: DC Watch: John Chavis

    whatever dude.

    I have met (on multiple occassions) some of the posters here claiming to have reliable sources on the subject.

    They have given me no reason to doubt them on this one.

    You on the other hand have a wild ass guess that you're pulling out of thin air.

    If you have a good reason (other than just hating that Miles didn't call you personally to give you the info), let's hear it.
  7. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    Re: DC Watch: John Chavis


    that doesnt prove he wasnt offered. its all speculation unless someone is there personally but some have sources much closer the to the situation than a newspaper article.

    just because their info isnt what you truly believe doesnt make it false.

    nor does dandy don know much more than the average fan. sometimes even less.
  8. Swerved

    Swerved It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds.

    Nov 24, 2003
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    Re: DC Watch: John Chavis

    Dandy Don... It's all in the name I guess. If you had a name like "Tenacious Tirk" he'd believe you.. :wave:

    I gotta say though.. the speculation at this time of year always proves entertaining.

    -"Smart-ass Swerved"
  9. GregLSU


    Dec 2, 2007
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    Re: DC Watch: John Chavis

    I have voiced my opinions based soley on all of the quotes from the coaches in question I have read in print and drawn my own conclusions. There's more proof that points to he was not offered a job then anything I have read that shows otherwise.
    And no I have not been a Miles hater or basher. Been the opposite actually, but it's no secret by many others opinions that he's dragging his feet and has made some bad decisions... doesn't mean I hate the guy or think he should be kicked out of BR.
  10. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    Re: DC Watch: John Chavis

    opinions of others who have no clue what is happening behind the scenes. if he offered VK, hes not dragging his feet. if he didnt offer, he didnt think he was right for the job.

    but you can bet he's not sitting idly by nor expediting the process simply because a few fans have the temperament of a phucking 2 year old crying for their pacifier.

    let the man do his job and evaluate it after its complete.

    all these temper-tantrums by a certain number of fans is ridiculous and somewhat embarrassing.

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