The only things that appears random are the vapid ad hominem responses. I expected something better in a University Free Speech Forum. tgsam
it is a sports forum, not a "university" forum. we are supposed to be stupid. you, as a badly programmed 70's robot, cant understand that. you lack the proper circuitry.
This is a forum for political discussion. You appear to just be posting your favorite quotes. We are trying to get you to discuss them, see. You may have a fine point to make or you make be completely full of chit. We determine this by how well you make your point under critique. If you consider our responses to be vapid . . . well just hang around, they can get increasingly pointed, critical, cynical, and hostile. It's called Free Speech Alley for a reason. The responses will get a lot less ad hominem if you back up your theses with some discussion, proof, evidence, examples, or to even try to answer when someone asks you the simple question, "why".
Even if he has I'm thinking it's not one of his strong points. Looks like a vain attempt to convince himself just how smart he is. I surely hope he believes it because I ain't buying it.:dis: