No. I know and express important things not acquired via a lawschool indoctrination. Elections will never fix America and merely voting does not make one a competent Citizen. Leaving liberty and justice in the care of juris doctors and career politicians has proven disastrous. Informed Citizens must do the job themselves. tgsam
I also know and express important things not acquired via a law school indoctrination. Although I am not a lawyer, I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night. My brother, you and I are much alike. Why don't you enlighten us with a few excerpts from your tome of wisdom?
ADDICTION The most monstrous American addiction is surely the addiction to Drug War money by opportunists and parasites on both sides of the law. Repealing the Drug War against the wishes of its powerful beneficiaries is surely one of the most difficult efforts informed Americans could ever undertake. Sadly, relatively few Americans are even remotely aware of the dreadful significance of the terrible precedent for unlawful government power created by the drug laws. We hold these truths . . . --Tinsley Grey Sammons [email protected]