I dont know about all the rest of his advisors, but thats exactly what Jim Brown told him. At least Jim Brown said thats what he told Clarrett when he was a guest on the Dan Patrick show on ESPN radio. He explicitely stated that Maurice would be making a very poor decision if he decided to withdraw from school. Dont get me wrong, I have no love for Jim Brown, but I think he is getting undue criticism in this case. I may be wrong, but it appears as if he is the only one in the "Clarrett Posse" with his head on straight in this matter.
Thanks. I'm guilty of "assuming". I don't have anything against Jim Brown. I singled him out since he's the highest profile of the "advisers". As for Clarett. He needs to listen to sound advice. I know of what I speak. As the old saying goes: "Youth is wasted on the young."
He has admitted he did wrong, and he did issue an apology, though Im not sure how sincere it was. He still feels he is the victim in this whole mess. He may well be, but he is the victim of his own devices.
No one seems to mention it.. but Ohio State and/or their boosters are just as guilty in this as Clarett. Someone had to offer these things to him.. I'm sure he didn't go up to the coach and go look I want you to buy me a car..