Underachieving, Undercoached...

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by USNavyTiger, Nov 25, 2005.

  1. Ch0sn0ne

    Ch0sn0ne At the Track

    Oct 25, 2002
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    I don't know. But I want Sabanfan to be my editor from now on. He is going to keep me in line.:grin:
  2. Sabertooth

    Sabertooth Founding Member

    Jun 6, 2002
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    OK, I found 4 in the last 24 hours. I can't believe I'm wasting my time on this pu$$y whiner.

    1.Underachieving, Undercoached
    2.The sour taste in my mouth
    3."You guys won, be happy"
    4.The stake in the Heart

    That's 4 in 24 probably more. Shut the phuck up and stop crying like a pu$$y.

    Here's something to chew. Looks like ole Les is worth something. Oklahome State only wish they had him back. They are probably going to finish 2-9 and look very pathetic doing so. That's coaching.
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  3. ccgw

    ccgw luv'em Tigers

    Sep 22, 2003
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    Very interesting point you made there.:thumb: You forgot to mention Oklahoma, despite their talent.
    Homemade Vaporizor
  4. ccgw

    ccgw luv'em Tigers

    Sep 22, 2003
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    If Les were a poor recruiter, you couldn't tell that from the recruiting he had this year.
  5. luvmesumlsu

    luvmesumlsu Founding Member

    Jan 5, 2004
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    I completely understand and agree with your post but I guarantee I am in the minority.
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  6. ccgw

    ccgw luv'em Tigers

    Sep 22, 2003
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    To name a few: Ricky Francois, Al Jones, Brandon Lafell, RJ Jackson. And, are you serious that Perrilloux is a QB we didn't need? (for the team's future and help with recruiting?)
  7. jesuit_flyer

    jesuit_flyer Founding Member

    Jan 14, 2004
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    My point is that the returns are not in for this class, therefore it's too early to annoit Les as a "great recruiter" since none of these guys have played.
  8. dimestorecowboy

    dimestorecowboy Founding Member

    Nov 13, 2005
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    The offense that we as LSU fans claims to be ours is a simple offense .It is not what we were used to under the last coach ,if you remember last year he had to change it to . Why ? You build your offense around what your QB can do .The defense is what we have grown to expect and we have enough offense to win . If our QB gets to where he can handle the pro type offense then I am sure we will go back to the wide open pro type offense . It is not coaching it is the players that we have , have you ever thought that maybe ,just maybe , this team has been playing to win and they have been playing above their talent . Have The Tigers lost more than one game ?? In here today I would think that maybe we lost 4 or 5 games . I thought LSU had won 10 and lost 1 , I could be wrong I will go check to be sure !!! GEAUX TIGERS !!!!!! BEAT GEORGIA !!!! DO IT AGAIN !!!!PS THANK YOU TIGERS FOR A GREAT SEASON < AGAIN THANK YOU FOR A 10 AND 1 SEASON !!! When this season started I did not think this team would win 8 games , .Guess what I was wrong .
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  9. NoLimitMD

    NoLimitMD Founding Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    It's also too damned early to start with the "sky's falling because Saban's recruits will leave and there's no way CLM can fill the slots." ESPECIALLY when he landed what's considered a great class...in a partial recruiting season.

    Good Lord, have some of you never dealt with change and realized that an evaluation of these things take time? Holy crap.

    And DimeStoreCowboy -- Great post. I couldn't agree more.
  10. hpmcdaniel

    hpmcdaniel Founding Member

    Aug 18, 2004
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    You said a lot. And I agree you are just pointing out facts. I was just looking at Dandy Don, http://www.dandydon.com and this is what he expresses

    "While LSU has won 10 games, many Tiger fans, including myself, do not believe LSU has played as well as they are capable of playing in any game this season. I believe that LSU will have to play as well as they are capable of playing in the SEC championship game to defeat the Georgia Bulldogs."

    Yes I am very proud of this team for the wins and the record. Thanks Guys for making me a happy Tiger Fan! They have over come a lot. I think the frustration with the fans is that with the talent LSU has we think that they could do so much better. But, at the same time we still do not know what they have to deal with on a mental level. However, as an athlete you should be able to block everything out and focus on what you have to do to take care of business on the field.

    Dandy Don has also pointed out that "In 1958, LSU went 11-0 and won the national title. In 2003, LSU posted a record of 13-1 and won the national title. With the 10-win season, Les Miles is the second coach in LSU's history to win 10 games in his first year as head coach. Mike Archer also won 10 games in his first year in 1987. Gerry DiNardo and Nick Saban both won 10 games at LSU in their second seasons."

    Now, what scares me is the other names in that list. Mike Archer and Gerry DiNardo. I sure hope that Mr. Miles proves that he will go down the road of Nick Saban. It is still early and he is a new coach with a new coaching staff. Personally, I do not think that recruiting has been hurt at all. I think the season will help. Only time will tell. I wish the entire team and coaching staff the best workout and practice this week. I am eagerly looking forward to a great game this weekend that hopefully doesn’t make me squirm in my seat and fall on the floor with my hands clenched in anticipation of the outcome of the game.
    :geauxtige PROUD TIGER FAN:geauxtige

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