Would I believe that story? No. But I do believe the correct story which was the fact that he was picking up family members in a car that owned by his fathers good friend. Now, if I heard that alone I would think that the guy was given the car. But then come to find out that he had driven the car twice before in his entire life before the night started. The beer cans I have not a damn clue but when the kid is sober and the cans are already empty spilled across the car, I can safely assume he wasnt the one drinking it. I think people are making way too big of a deal about this because the guy is driving an Escalade. The bottom line is he was driving without a license which in itself was stupid but not worth a suspension, IMO.
You watch way too much TV. Actually I have to confess that I knew that too. I used the name Clampett because I didn't think too many people would get it if I said Granny Moses. Where can we go to get a life?
I know what you mean. I can remember Granny's last name but I can't remember to keep my head down on a wedge from 80 yards. We have a life BB. It's just a dull one.
There must have been a turnip truck he used before he got the escalade for the night. I saw beer cans falling from the turnip truck the night before and he was on his way to church . Or was it a Georgia Truck full a peaches. I get confused.