No stocks. I've considered it for the future, but I need to learn a lot more about stocks than I do now. But you and I both know that there is a world of difference between betting on an ace or a baseball game and investing in stocks/bonds. Both involve risk, some more than others. But one is a lot less up to chance than the other. And where's the risk in a 401(k)? Seems to me like it's a bigger gamble to rely on social security, wouldn't you agree? In the hierarchy of things, I think sports betting is the most foolish, followed by casino gambling. With stocks, you have the option to change things before they go bad, often with some sort of warning. Sports and cards, although based on odds and previous events, are still largely up to chance.
Did I mention that I don't gamble? At any rate, I knew someone wouldn't be able to resist bringing up the smoking issue, as I imagine will be the case for some time now. Hate No need to be a drama-queen.
they can get stuff done on bull sh1t that doesn't matter. It's the tough issues they have no intenetions of addressing or fixing. Yeah for democracy! they've warped it and abused it. They've turned our goverment into a money makin vehicle.....