Certainly the sectarian violence must be solved politically. The insurgency is another matter. That must be solved militarily since the terrorists are not interested in political solutions short of the destruction of the United States.
You're hopeless. The 9/11 perps did not learn to fly in Afghanistan. They were living right under our noses enjoying all of the rights that you liberals so freely bestow upon them.
The wigheads never counted on the ragheads. It would make a good country music song, but it is a poor political excuse. :hihi:
The insurgency and the civil war are one. They are completely intertwined. The insurgency is not just a few thousand Al Qaida and other foreign islamists, but also tens of thousands of Sunni and Shiite guerrilla fighters. They attack US forces as well as each other and fight against troops and police of the Iraqi government that we back. Only the Kurds are not attacking Americans in Iraq.
I can't wait to see the anti everything crowds reaction to everything from a democratic administration one of these days. I will be all over their ass if they are partison. It will be in every thread, the mods will be busy!:lol: Edit:There is nothing that the military can't fix about this situation provided you fight a smart war. Should have cut off Iran and Syrian borders, we are fighting Iran and Syria and not a little insurgency.