Yeah I totally hate day games. You have to get out there earlier and have to start drinking earlier, and it sure gets hot in my wizard costum. Ahh, the things we do for our teams.
That is what happens when you are good ... you end up on CBS! I remember when it was basically Florida or Tenn or Bama in the 90s, then Georgia became the hot team a few years ago. Watch LSU be on CBS more than others this year, and hopefully for a few years to come...
The sun won't be setting at 5:00 in early September. It's gonna be hotter than 2 rat's screwing in a wool sock for that game.
ESPN night games are the BEST!! You get "Saturday Night in DEATH VALLEY" & 2 of the best voices in college football...Gotfreid (sp?) and Franklin. CBS announcers aren't nearly as good & we have to play in the afternoon. Being out here in Arizona, that's 12:30 in the early part of the season!! TOO early to bring out the heavy drinks!!! I like a FULL day of tailgating even out here! :lsug:
I like Todd Blackledge, I think he gives a great analysis and an unbiased few. Lundquist I have never been a big fan of but he isn't bad. Mike Patrick is my favorite on ESPN.