more proof.. another cheesy t-shirt in the mall. my 16 year old daughter has both of those shirts. cant you make something up on your own.. stay out of the mall man.
Thus so wretched is man that he would weary even without any cause for weariness... and so frivolous is he that, though full of a thousand reasons for weariness, the least thing, such as playing billiards or hitting a ball, is sufficient enough to amuse him. ~Blaise Pascal
Just came back from the Mall and guess what? I happened to buy a T-shirt with that exact Pascal quote on it!! (just kidding) Keep your chin up, Sabanfan! We still have a game to go. Don't let the pessimists get you down.
My chin is up, Jean. I just cannot tolerate those who can't wait to pounce once LSU loses. It's like it's a personal affront to them. It also means they have no life. The game is at 2 Eastern tomorrow and my plane gets to Boston at 12:30. At least I get to watch the game even if it's in Yankee country.