This is just another one of those knee-jerk emotional reacting fans that jump off the bandwagon as soon as something goes wrong. This was not worth the thread.
At first I thought you were just upset because of the loss and had reacted kinda harshly. Something that we all do from time to time... Then I realized that your name was familiar and I seemed to recall similar posts by you in the past... A quick review of your previous posts reveals as much. This type of post is definitely not something new to you..... On April 24, when there was still a LOT of baseball left to be played you said: "This team has no heart, It is as if Smoke brought all his ULM chargin indians over here and stole Tiger uniforms" You love basketball coahing too: On, Feb 25:you started this thread: "Time to Bounce Brady!" This is the worst Job preparing a team I have ever seen. No defense whatsoever. JP sports said it was embarrasing. P.S You are damn right its Brady's fault. He couldnt get passed 16 with a talented team." Last but not least, here is one of your true jewels... After the LSU football loss to Florida, you were even gracious enough to share with us your love of the Nick Saban coached LSU football team. On Sept 11 you said: "we will win 1 more game this year. we will play in the ind. bowl in shrev. (bet your last dollar)" Two words of advice for you to make being a LSU "fan" more enjoyable: Lighten up! Take care.... :geaux: :lsup:
The last thing we need is for Tiger fans to be arguing with each other.....we have a good team and our stay is not over in the college world series just yet, after we beat south carolina monday lets start over and try again... I believe we will get another shot at Miami and i am looking forward to it....just dont ever pitch bumstead again.....
OUR BASEBALL TEAM IS PLAYING IN THE COLLEGE WORLD SERIES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LETS FIRE THE COACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!. get a grip and a life. :dis:
Game's over. Why don't you go to your next opponent's board. danthe (idiot)tiger fan is no doubt between the age of 15 and 17, still has peach fuzz on his tallywhacker and got his own computer for his last birthday. He wears briefs and the skidmarks are on both sides. Girls laugh at him at school and call him things like freakazoid and Homer. His Dad wonders why he couldn't have had an athletic son and feels piano and violin lessons are entirely useless, but his mother insists. He is, secretly, a ULL fan and thinks Bustle will bring them a Sunbelt Championship. And, his IQ is 2 digits. You've got to admit that anything above knee high was a strike regardless of how far outside it was. The ump was seeing the plate in panoramic vision.
I would have to say anything above the ankles was a strike inside our out but especially 6-8 inches on the outside of the plate. I have no problem with throwing the majority of the pitches there if that is what he is calling strikes but you can't throw 10-11 straight pitches on the outside to one inside and expect the batters to stay honest. They knew the overwhelming majority of the pitches were going to be outside and the simply sat and waited on their pitch. Some of the best hit pitches off of Determan were located exactly where the catcher set up and in a good location but in the exact location as the last 5-6 pitches. Weiderhold did a very poor job of keeping the batters honest with at least an occasional pitch in a different location. As much of Miami homers as the announcers were thay noticed it also and were begging for Determan to throw an occasional inside pitch, but they were too few and way too far in between. I'm not saying that lost the game for us because we couldn't hit the ball after the 2nd inning either and enough has been said about the job Nate did last night so I won't even go there again but Weiderhold did a poor job and definitely hand cuffed Determan who still had a pretty good night.
sorry cant blame the ump. He was behind the plate when Miami was pitching also. It was the tigers who could not hit the ball (did not have patience) this it poor coaching I dont care what other tiger fans think.. P.S dan is 35 yrs old, 2 wonderful kids , self employed , owns 200,000.00 dollar home . 3 vech. 1 travel trailor and a beautiful wife. Your assumption of my life was not even close. one should consider himself lucky to be as blessed as I am. My only fault is calling things as I see them , even my love for lsu cannot stop this. the past draft tells the true story of the talent on this team.