Re: Typical Lousiana Politics... I know it is, I was just saying that if something like that did ever get passed, because I doubt this bill ever does, then it would have to be all restaurants not just selective ones.
Re: Typical Lousiana Politics... Hmm, I can't recall anything in my post that talked about smoking being unhealthy. All I said was that I don't like it when I'm trying to eat. My opinion on the matter is just based on a personal preference, that's all. I'm not going to tell somebody what they can and can't do (unless it's my house). Do I think the bill will get passed? No. Do I really care all that much? Not really. It'd be nice if there was something like that in effect, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it.
Re: Typical Lousiana Politics... but you said: thats more than personal preference if you favor the bans in restaurants and bars. that means you favor telling other people what they can and cannot do on their own property.
Re: Typical Lousiana Politics... I never said that I would tell somebody what they can and can't do. I have no problem if somebody else tells them, though. :hihi:
Re: Typical Lousiana Politics... It's not. They are exempting restaurants that have a designated and enclosed bar in their establishment. Smoke is smoke. It will find its way into the eating area. All these exceptions are stupid, but we all know why they do it. Politicians don't want to lose all that money from the alcohol, tobacco and casino industries.
Re: Typical Lousiana Politics... Whenever I go eat at restaurants and sit in a non-smoking area, very rarely do i ever get any cig smoke odor in my area. And yes, it is for all restaurants. The exception is for enclosed bars in any restaurant. That means any restaurant can have an enclosed bar area that allows for smoking in that area. Of course that is a far cry from what was reported int he article making it sound like they made specific exceptions for two restaurants. In my opinion they are doing it worded like that because they could not get it passed otherwise. For them, getting *something* passed is the first step.
Re: Typical Lousiana Politics... Private business owners should get really nervous any time the legislature starts mucking around in matters such as this. After all, look how well they run the state's business.........:hihi:
Re: Typical Lousiana Politics... We can't always smell pollution, but we know it's there. Many restaurants will have to make a decision to either remodel the bar area or not allow smokers in their establishment. Either way, they lose money. Probably. But I hate this legislation, so I'm ok with it. May be the first step, but it is definately a backwards step for business owners.
Re: Typical Lousiana Politics... Whatever. I'm rarely inhaling smoke in a restaurant. So an enclosed bar area would work. Just as designated smoking and non-smoking areas work now. Just making sure that the facts given are correct. Which was not exactly the case with that article. Of course it worked on you and got you riled up about an apparent exception for R.C. and Sull. restaurants. By the way, I don't like the legislation. I do not smoke and inhaling just a little gives me terrible headaches. I do go to various restaurants regularly though and smoke is hardly ever an issue. Unless I am going with friends to a place like the Chimes near LSU. Then I am miserable the whole time.