not only would I like to choke her but if I come in to the room and my wife has her on watching I leave the room immediately. Cant afford to let my blood pressure rise like that .
There was actually an episode with a character called 'The Tattle-Tale Strangler' that tried to strangle Spongebob. But much to his chagrin, he was unable to because Spongebob was...well.. a sponge. (Much to MY chagrin, I have young children too and have had the unfortunate fate of having seen almost every episode.)
Oh damn, tough question. Let me break this one down. Gumby is an idiot and I have no sympathy nor regard for idiots, they irritate me about as much as a wet sock. At the end of the day he is after all just an idiot, I'm not sure what he does, I heard once that he may be a scientist and if so I'm not sure what good he could possibly bring to the world. Maybe he is the one that pushed for the government grant to see how fast shrimp can run on a treadmill. In fact I'm sure of it. HRC however is a dangerous idiot. I don't know that I would strangle either of them, I'm really not a violent man by nature but idiots just have a way of pushing my buttons. Timing is a big factor here. If we are talking about right now, for sure it would be HRC, and while I wouldn't kill her, I'd at least hold her down long enough to ensure she wasn't elected leader of our country. If we are talking post election and HRC has lost and gone away to the old politicians graveyard then gumby best watch his back. How did I do?
Awesome. I chuckled throughout. Drinking tequila playing WWF against a hot chick for dinner and drinks. Kinda fun to let them win, they feel indebted. FYI, WWF is better than