Well go ahead partner. Let's here it. I'm a big boy and as a Miami fan I've heard it all. Don't act like a 12 year old girl who just kissed a boy and acts like she can't keep a secret. And as for your "keep the talk here about the game" crap. I guess that only goes for the "visitors" here, huh? I only bring up topics like this to counter all the garbage your posters here like to "dredge" up. The posters here continue to throw around "thug" and tons of garbage, yet there can be no comeback from the "visitor"? I understand this is a LSU board and all, and LSU posters will get more breaks, but let's try to be adults here...Take off our purple & gold glasses for a minute. As for my "BS dredged up reports", I could really care less what you guys think or believe. The fact is a few guys who were at the game posted this info on the Miami board...one even took a picture of it. Sourdoughman: I see that Sanchez & The guy who he threw the elbow at both went out to shake hands after the game. Maybe Turtle can take a page out of one of his player's books and show some sportmanship.
Oh, please don't lose your patience...I'm not sure what I'd do if that happened. I guess we must have broke out the sign stealing equipment last night, because we tore the cover off the ball a few times. As I've said I could give a flying monkey what you guys think or believe. I came here to talk about the game. We've won the game and that's all that counts. We won and you lost, period. Now you need to worry about beating USC and trying to not go 2 & Q again this season. I'll step aside and let you guys play amongst yourselves in your little sandbox, as it seems that you don't know how to play well with others. If you happen to get to face Miami again, I'll stop back by to discuss the game. Enjoy the rest of the CWS...
Geaux Canes, if you don't care what we think, then why post here? Also, to take a "page out of your book", let's review some of your last post... It should read, "Well, go ahead, partner." Commasplices are a mainstay of your writing style, and most any English professor would destroy your work merely for that. Without proper pauses and indications of those pauses, the cadence and tone of your thoughts suffer mightily. Please attempt to learn more about proper comma placement before attempting to denigrate the grammar skills of any other user here. Next, "Let's here it." Shall I go any further? Here is a pronoun indicating location. Hear is a verb to describe sound or the act of listening to said sound. Please pay attention to proper grammar when posting on this site. On another note, this is an internet message board. No one can "here" (nor hear) what I have to say. They read it. Your logic skills are hindering your communication skills here. Please attempt to brush up on them before posting again. MLA rules state that it's not proper English to start a sentence with a contraction, such as "Don't". Please attempt to learn this simple rule before posting again. MLA rules also state that it's not proper English to start a sentce with a conjunction, such as "and". Please attempt to learn thisi simple rule before posting again. "The posters here continue to throw around "thug" and tons of garbage, yet there can be no comeback from the "visitor"?" This is commonly referred to as a "run-on" sentence. It's more than one complete thought. Please attempt to brush up on simple English rules you'd like to point out here on this message board before posting again. "I understand this is a LSU board and all, and LSU posters will get more breaks, but let's try to be adults here..." In this sentence, you incorrectly used the improper article to modify the word LSU. The article "an" should have been used in this case for proper English to have been observed and utilized. Please pay more attention to this simple English rule before posting again. "The fact is a few guys who were at the game posted this info on the Miami board...one even took a picture of it." Again, you've left out a comma that should have been inserted after "The fact is,". Again, a major mistake for anyone who would have the audacity to come on an internet message board and comment on the relative levels of spelling, grammar, and punctuation of its users. "Sourdoughman: I see that Sanchez & The guy who he threw the elbow at both went out to shake hands after the game." What makes you think a colon should have been used here? I am surprised you passed any English class past that of 11th grade in high school. Again, in this instance, just use a simple comma if you're true intention is to just break the cadence of your thought. Another easy mistake is the capitalization of "The" after the conjunction "and" in that sentence. What was the need to capitalize that adjective? None whatsoever, and yet another black mark on this post. Please, please brush up before posting again. I think I've given you some good starting points. What would be an excellent idea for you to utilize in your tenure on this site would be to either using the "Spellcheck" or "GrammarCheck" tools in most word-processing software programs, or just submitting your potential posts to anyone with half a sense of the proper use of the English language. Either that, or watch your step on an LSU board. Check the rather large chip you've walked in here with that seemingly resides on your shoulder. I won't discuss the subject that I was refraining from bringing up because I simply already have, in response to Sourdoughman's initial post. Thanks, and have a great day!
So, you don't care what we think, you've easily rankled the membership of this site by coming over here to denigrate their spelling skills, the manhood of a coach whose talent won you national titles that we now employ, and even the fact that your team has been accused mutiple times of stealing signs? There is no reason for you to remain here any longer, nor to return. We don't get anything out of it. If you return, it's for your own benefit. By the way, you brought up the Turtle Thomas subject of no class. We didn't. So all your cries and whining about this being about the game, well, that's bunk. All I can say is that before you decided to take your jacks and go play in your own sandbox, you were the one that was not focusing on the game, period. I asked you TWICE to do so, yet you decided not to. Now, it's all about the game, right? You take some grief for your audacity, and your lack of good sportamanship by taking shots at our coaches, and now it's supposed to be about the game, right? I speak for this site, and all its members, when I humbly say, "Get lost, and don't bother finding your way back."