Geaux Canes, I don't mind your presence here. You seem to be reasonably intelligent and somewhat even tempered. But, don't antagonize for the sake of antagonization. Spelling & grammar posts? Let's keep the level of discussion a tad above resorting to comments on how people spell and type, shall we? There are far more important and better subjects to comment on than those. Your team played well last night, but Carillo being a partial qualifier out of high school in Chicago doesn't exactly send out the old MENSA mobile staff to go and track him down, know what I mean? Domanick Davis-the offensive ROY in the NFL for the Texans this past year-was a full qualifier out of high school, & Skip Bertman will tell you the kid made a THIRTEEN on his ACT the first go round. So to tell me that Carillo was SO STUPID that he couldn't get eligible out of Chicago and HS, well...Perhaps if I were you I'd ease up on the grammar, punctuation, and spelling comments. See, we could go on and on like this with the cheap shots, but it doesn't get us anywhere, and you and I don't do anything but agitate. Let's keep the level of discourse high, and our eyes on the games themselves, not on members relative level of spelling and English grammar usage...
Good post TigerEd. I normally don't care about such silly things as grammar, spelling, etc... but the post of Omaha's in question really was hard to read and hard understand what he was trying to say....I just poked a little fun that's all. Back to The Turtle: Reports out of The CWS last night said that after the game when the 2 teams lined up to shake hands that Turtle Thomas went out to RF, just stared at the bleachers & pouted. That's a real man for ya. Why could everyone else from LSU and Miami show their class and shake hands but him? He's got to act like a middle school boy who just lost a girlfriend? I have great respect for Bertman, Smoke, and the rest of the guys at LSU. But Thomas is just an @ss plain and simple.
LOL The guy who took a cheap shot at us during the game is an Ass and I see you won't defend him but you'll attack Turtle. typical behavior for a visitor...
Turtle is one of the most affable, well liked, well spoken, and media friendly coach's that LSU has. He calls local radio shows CONSTANTLY, and breaks down who he is recruiting, where they're from, and even got into why he was starting Mestepey during this past week. He has never made a single, solitary inflammatory comment during his tenure in Tigertown. The man made the statement here in Baton Rouge on 1210AM this week that he, "Wanted to beat Miami on Saturday night, and then he wanted them to win every game after that, and then he wanted to beat them again." It's obvious that he was disillusioned with the staff, and judging by how Miami asked him to leave, the feeling was somewhat mutual. It's also obvious that when the best baseball coach in modern college baseball history snaps him up to become the hitting coach and recruiting coordinator, he's got both talent and the ability to bring in the big guns. In short, I think he was just in a bad situation towards the end in Miami. I can tell you that Miami won a national titles on multiple occassions with his recruits underl his hitting philosophy, so there is no getting around the fact that the fella knows hitting, recruiting, and talent. To down him is to invalidate your national titles, because you sure weren't denigrating the man's character and questioning his manhood back then. This will be the 2nd time I have asked you to stick to the actual game instead of the ancillary issues revolving around it. For the 2nd time, you have continued not to do so. Your "reports" out of Omaha are just as valid as the reports out of Omaha that your team wasn't respecting the kids out there to see them. Basically, you wish to minimize the truth/validity of those reports, while at the same time, maximizing the validity of "your report" while also mixing in some actual commentary? Give me a break. I have said that you are a reasonable guy, and I truly don't want to say I'm wrong. Keep doing your best to dredge BS "reports" out of Omaha while ignoring or denigrating others here or their comments about your team, and I'm going to bring up a subject I'm refraining from. KEEP YOUR EYES-and your COMMENTS-ON THE BASEBALL GAME. This is the 2nd time I've said this...
See, sourdough, I didn't want to bring that up...But it was OBVIOUS...and there is no defense nor place for that in the game of baseball, on ANY level. That's not major league, it's not ACC, SEC, or Big East...It's BUSH LEAGUE... Also, Geaux Canes, you made the statement about "stealing signals" in another thread that was as stupid as it was far fetched. Bobby Thompson admitted that on his famous home run, he got the signal from someone who was watching with binoculars and a short-wave radio. He ADMITTED THIS RECENTLY! So, what you're telling me is that in the late 50's-60's, it was possible to steal signs by sitting in the outfield scoreboard box with binocs and a radio, yet today, in 2004, it's technologically impossible? Yet another example of you minimizing questionable behavior by what we've seen from your coaching staff, your team as a whole, and individuals (in the case of that cheap shot attempt)... Again, I'm asking you to PLEASE keep the talk on baseball, because my patience does have limits...