yes im aware its not a rule but an unwritten rule. I say more power to you if you can steal them (signs). I agree with not stealing bases when up a lot. doesnt sound like its whining to me either. some things you just dont make public and they choose not to.
I agree. I don't think it's whining... But if it's over "stealing signs", then sometimes it's your own player's fault if they're not more careful when giving signs--or perhaps your coaching staff makes the signs too elementary to NOT be picked up...
Sign stealing.. Picking up the occasional sign from a careless player is onething. This, however, is another thing entirely.
And Martin said after Saturday's game that two former Miami assistants had told him about sign-stealing. HA...wonder if we know one of those assistants.
I don't see how stealing signs is a part of the game. Using TV cameras to predict or find out the pitch was something that was not intended with the start of baseball. Stealing signs does not take skill, only a camera. Don't you guys think it takes something away from the game if the batter knows what’s coming? This is supposed to be a game of skill not technology.
using cameras is another can of worms and wrong by any stretch. Stealing signs by watching the dugout as they are relayed or by a runner on 2nd base is fair game in my book.
I've been over this with the Gators already, I guess I'll fill you guys in. There are no grounds for these claims. The first thing you need to know is that our rival who we owned this season started this crap this season. These claims were first made by GT a few years back and proved to be without merit, then F$U made the same claims and once again they are without merit. They claim we've been doing this for years. The F$U-UM Walkie-talkie game is question from this season: F$U was leading that "walkie-talkie" game all afternoon. Then when a Miami player goes yard and Miami takes the lead, Martin waits till like a 2-2 count on the next batter to come out and say that we have a TV set up in our clubhouse to steal signs? Were we stealing signs when F$U was leading us all afternoon? Were we stealing signs when we couldn't hit the F$U pitcher until the middle innings? After Mike Martin stopped the game and came onto the field with this claim, all the umps went into the Miami clubhouse to investigate. After being in the clubhuse for only about a minute, they all returned from the clubhouse laughing and smiling. Nothing was done by them, they sent Martin back to his dugout and the game continued. So I guess they were satisfied that nothing shady was going on. A few thoughts on this topic: 1.) You guys seem to know your baseball around here. Let me ask you this: How fast would you have to be to watch the live TV feed in the clubhouse and see what sign the catcher is putting down, then tell someone in the dugout via walkie-talkie what the pitch is going to be, then have someone in the dugout relay that info to the batter? Mind you, all this had to take place in the time between the catcher giving the sign and the pitcher throwing the ball. Man them Miami guys must be fast!!! Besides, most games aired on TV are shown on a slight delay. 2.) If there was some truth to these claims, wouldn't this be able to be proved or wouldn't another media outlet other than$U message board) or The Tallahassee Democrat(Tally newspaper, linked story in this thread) cover the story? I mean I would think that this would be a big deal if it was true, correct? Why was there no follow-up story by the Tally Democrat or anyone else. Why hasn't the ACC commented on this since the article linked above? This happen back in April, yet no further mention of this story anywhere...Why? Because the claims are false and just sour grapes. 3.) Let's be honest, if these claims did have a bit of truth to them, & this has gone on for years, why has nobody else mentioned it or why hasn't this "scandal" been uncovered? We've parted with long time UM coaches Turtle Thomas & Lazor Collazo in recent years and we've also kicked off 2 pitchers on our team this season(1 of which was the Miami career Saves leader). Don't you think at least one of these ex-Canes would have said something about this to a media outlet by now? I mean all 4 probably don't have much love for Miami anymore. F$U is the bride's maid to Miami more often than not in Baseball & Football, and I guess making claims like these makes them feel better about themselves. I guess if they think hard enough that we are cheating, they'll eventually believe it themselves and that must be the reason why they can't ever overcome us. It couldn't just be that we are better than them could it?
well truth of the matter is, you nor I know for certain whether its true or not and we probably never will. Like I stated previously, Turtle said Miami is infamous for stealing opposing team's sign upwards to 100% of the time. He said any team is capable despite the complexity due to repetition.... even though they can be changed they can also be easily figured out. (of course Im not so sure with our pitching coach...he seems like he's having an epileptic fit.) Because a team isnt hitting doesnt mean they arent stealing the signs. It usually does mean the pitcher is on his game either way. It wouldnt surprise me if the Criminoles are just looking for an edge due to the usual collapse of the ACC conference in baseball each year, usually to your team (wait thats Florida). Each year FSU has 40-50 wins with JD Drew or his little sister and crowned to win it all again just like Texas in football. Then the AP writers who vote them in annually are faced with a hard dose of reality. I dont care if your coaches steal 100% of our signs as long as its not beyond the realm of sportsmanship, ie cameras. Im sure it wont happen in the CWS anyhow. I would be interested, however, into knowing how rampant you were aware that Miami does this over most other universities...(given that Turtle is correct in what he alleges). I assumed all teams did it at that level and would think you'd take every advantage afforded.
It was nice watching the lsu coaches ignore the miami coaches today at opening thingy... the miami team didnt seem very nice to the fans. they compleatly ignored all the little kids up until like 9:00 tonight. great group of guys