Idk man, I can totally see people that are "not in the know" reacting that way. Especially today. Its not at all a reach to think something like this could happen. Just the times we live in.
Oh I totally understood but I just think it was off base. CJJ was a symptom, but not necessarily the main "problem" if that makes sense. Most of the folks up in arms were focused more on their perception that kids were mislead to believe they would be coached by someone that ultimately ended up getting replaced right after signing day. So the concern wasn't so much "aww you fired our friend" as it was that you used him to reel in certain kids under what they thought was false pretenses, and that wasn't really true either. So CJJ was made a central figure in an issue where he really wasn't the focus. There was a similar dust-up in Florida post-McCarthy but that got smoothed over pretty quickly too. If the coaches wanted an explanation on how the recruiting business works, I think they definitely earned that since they're the ones developing these kids on a day-to-day basis. That's why I think the comment was way off base.
Hey assfuck.. This has nothing to do with political thinking.. If you don't know the difference about what's going on here you really need to shut the fuck up!!
Just read an article on 247 where Mickey Joseph said: “It was never a meeting that was going to discuss a boycott,” Joseph said on Thursday during his introductory press conference. “The meeting was taking place to educate themselves about the recruiting game. “We don’t know how that started or got out there.” So your explanation has a lot of merit concerning the nature of the meet. Well said.
It sounds like college coaches being replaced after National Signing Day is a common occurrence. How can high school coaches from these schools with prospective major college athletes not know this happens frequently. They may not like it, but it sure seems like they should already know how the recruiting game works. Why is there a need to meet?
What I'm hearing is the concerns were raised by the players, they felt betrayed and CJJ is a very well respected coach in that area. These coaches regardless if its college or high school know its a business but at the same time some of these players are going to the coaches not happy they felt lied to. There was never going to be a boycott but they were going to discuss how to deal with these things with their players. You may not hear the dirt in the future what the coaches about what exactly went down but you'll start to get little pieces of info coming out from these teenage players.