It's on
The republicans don't want to go against Trump's base....until he has no base or they don't care about his base.
Remember, the choice was Hillary or Trump. There never really was any kind of choice once Wasserman Schultz and the DNC rigged the Democratic nomination.
It doesn't matter....people were disenfranchised. I take subverting voting rights seriously. Americans died for that right.
I do think that access to healthcare is a universal right. Medicaid for all. The current system is broken. One sixth of the economy is siphoned off for profits in the health insurance industry and big pharma. The current system hurts families way too much. My position on healthcare is based on Christian principles of human dignity, unity and the common good.
As for higher education. Same thing. People graduate with near insurmountable debt. I'd like to see free college for all qualified people. Higher admission standards and retention standards would insure quality. Not everyone should be in college.