Trump's First WH Briefing

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUTiga, Jan 21, 2017.

  1. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Right as did W....remember the "when I look into his eyes I see his soul"? Trump needs to recognize that Putin is someone who sees us as THE ENEMY not as a negotiating partner. Reagan understood the fundamental nature of the Soviets and that you needed to challenge them before talking to them; to show them you are tougher than they think. Putin is cut from the same cloth and you can't act as if he's your bro.
  2. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    @Kikicaca i question Trump's understanding of Putin and the way he's going about it. Everything he has said has shown a fundamental lack of understanding of what Putin is. If he lifts the sanctions Putin will believe Trump is as soft and easy as Obama. WTF you could just as easily say Hitler loved Germany, Stalin loved the USSR, Mao loved China. All were strong leaders but NONE were admirable in any way. Putin is cut from their cloth. He's murdered his own, trampled on the weak and robbed the wealth of the country to his own gain. He's a rogue and a danger.
    I was on Obama's ass as quickly and much harder. I hold everyone of our leaders to the same standard and if they fail to hold to it I call them. It is true as I've said for years that the previous occupier of the White House was the weakest ever and left us in worse position. Get over it because it's Trump's time to do the job. I hope he can and will cheer for him but he's not starting out soo well.
  3. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    It doesn't matter what you say. You have to agree with everything Trump says or does or you are against him and a traitor, ask Tiga.
  4. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    I couldn't tell you much about him other than he likes to post about climate change. Honestly, I couldn't tell you if he is pro or anti climate change. I bet that is hard to believe cause I DO KNOW he posts a lot about it, I just don't read for retention, here. His posts tend to be pictures or too long, one reason I just skim.

    Even like with MC and MLU, I get them confused all the time and not sure which is conservative/liberal. Now the extremists like shane and LSUpride123(on that end of the spectrum) and NCTiger, I know where they stand. Mobius is liberal but a bit more moderate, I think.

    If you say it though, I'd put my name on it cause you're one of the most rational posters on this site imo.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2017
  5. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    So lets see I post pictures to make a quick point I am a simpleton but at the same time my post are too long so you have to skim. So my post are too short and too long at the same time in other words my post are not how YOU want me to post. I should post like you apparently, color me confused. I dont worship Trump but I am backing him till something tells me not too. Dickhead got 8 years Trump has had basically 8 days as president. I am not an extremeist in thinking that Trumps worst decisions will be better than Dickheads best decisions, Trump gets the benefit of doubt from me right now.

    The kicker here in your post is you seem to be confused over my position on man made climate change, REALLY? Well It's obvious you "skim" through my post cause there is no one more adamant about the fraud that is man made climate change. I have radio spot in Houston when I want it to speak about this leftist fraud. The climate change issue is a microcosm of how the left rolls the Americam people daily which is why it has become a mission of mine to destroy their climate fraud agenda.

    Since you are a self admitted "skimmer" maybe others here will understand my post I am not expecting any feedback from you.


    Last edited: Jan 28, 2017
  6. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    I did not mean that as a negative comment. Meant no disrespect.
  7. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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  8. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    CaCa, weren't you the one who took his wife camping on a sand bar? Not sure if it was you or another noob.
  9. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    No. But if you are going to have a complaint, have it be your own and not the medias.

    Form a logical opinion on the matter.

    The problem is when you do that, there isn't all that much to bitch about.
  10. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Noted. I'm extreme because I take time and do my own research and don't trust the media.

    Hail Trump!!

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