Trump's deal with Carrier

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by mobius481, Nov 30, 2016.

  1. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    The $700,000 is more than made up for by the taxes paid by the 1000 people who still have jobs. Too bad he couldn't save everybody's job but it's a bargain, really.
  2. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    It doesn't cost us shit. It's not our money. It's Carriers.

    Unless you subscribe to the government knows better how to spend your money like a soft liberal.
  3. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Actually let's compare This to Obamas GM.

    Cost per job for carrier TAX CUT: $7k

    Cost per job for GM BAILOUT: what was it $80 billion? For $70k GM jobs. Lol. So what $1 mill per job???

    Which was really a UAW bailout.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2016
  4. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Yes, and that was after you insisted otherwise. You can go back and read it for yourself; they're your words, not mine. You are trying to say that a penny isn't a penny if it lands on tails.

    Exactly and you didn't answer my question. Instead, in your own shallow way you pointed the finger at Obama and Bush and said, "they did it first," which shatters your argument that Trump is doing anything different than what has been done of the past 10-12 years to retain jobs. My point about setting precedent is that Carrier wasn't about to go belly up. Carrier is doing just fine, they just find it more profitable to move their factory to Mexico. For all of your chest pounding about Free Market Capitalism you should respect their decision to move their plants where ever they please, right? Why should the government need to get involved? Isn't that the line you've been spouting the past 8 years?

    What's your point? California is a part of the United States and their votes count whether you like them or not. How about we take the votes that Trump won Texas by and subtract them and see what we get.....or Tennessee.....doesn't matter.

    Yep, just keep twisting. Eventually you'll screw yourself completely into the ground. If I had the time I would go back and find all the times that you blasted Obama for "crony capitalism" and now you are justifying it for Trump. Perfect. Look, even your girl Sarah Palin agrees that it is crony capitalism.
  5. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    I am not necessarily opposed to Trump's Carrier deal, just that there seems to be a lot of hypocrisy from the right about government intervention when it comes to one of their own doing it. That said, just to play the devils advocate, those 1000 people have been paying taxes all along so the only difference is that now the corporation is allowed to deduct nearly three quarters of a million dollars each year in state taxes. So make no mistake this is a net loss for the state of Indiana. Further, all of the tax dollars of those other 1100 whose jobs are leaving really are gone. So in the end, the state of Indiana lost the tax revenues of those 1100 plus another $700,000 per year.
  6. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    You are woefully ignorant of definitions and math.

    We don't pay for tax cuts. We pay for spending. Its not the governments money. A subsidy as you and Mobby Dick keep saying is a redistribution of wealth. That is what the GM bailout was. That is NOT WHAT THIS IS. Until you understand this, nothing I or anyone says will make any sense to you. You are ignorant.

    In fact, you probably do not even know where most of out US tax revenue comes from. Here is a hint, it isn't corporate income tax.

    The most of our tax revenue comes of individual income tax. 2nd is payroll tax. Corporate income tax is a sweet 11% of the pie.

    No No brother, you said this sets a precedent. It was already set. Like Trump was the first to cut a US company a deal? You are just pissed he actually made a good deal and had Carrier by the balls. I also showed evidence of this happening every day. Local, state and at the federal level. Trump just made it public for the masses.

    And this aint a free market. You couldn't prove it if you tried. Countries like China, Mexico, India, etc all have protections in place. Why shouldn't we? Or do you think the oil and agricultural markets are free?

    Let me tell you something brother. The only way we will ever get to a free trade system is when all the countries we trade with our on our level. Until then, we are the losers.

    Which is the major point of all my post, you nor Mobby Dick understand the the actual problem with our tax system. We have tariffs, Mexico has tariffs, China has tariffs, etc.

    Give me a break about this petty "precedent" argument. I shot it down with Trump holding Federal contacts over Carriers head. YOU WONT ADDRESS THAT.

    Yes, the CA vote is exactly why we have the electoral college. Otherwise, 1 state would have decided the election.

    So now Sarah Palin isn't a dumbass to you? Amazing.

    Just as you love to attack the source I cannot reasonably debate you if you link something she says. After all, you said she was an idiot.
  7. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Net loss? provide your math sir...... I am sure you wont.

    Don't let facts stop you though:

    "A source with knowledge of the state’s negotiation with Carrier’s parent company, United Technologies, said the deal would grant the parent company of Carrier Corp. $7 million in financial incentives over 10 years in exchange for a guarantee that the air and heating conditioning company would retain at least 1,000 jobs and invest $16 million into its Indiana operation.

    Carrier confirmed Thursday that “the state of Indiana has offered Carrier a $7 million package over multiple years, contingent upon factors including employment, job retention and capital investment.”

    LOL you just linked Sarah Palin attacking Trump for it and talking about hypocrisy? LOL glorious dude.

    Oh, here is this sweet gem from you in 2012..

    So are they hypocrites now or then? You decide.

  8. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Which came first, Pride? The chicken or the egg? If you cannot understand that whether you are paying out or excusing payments from your debtors then the net result is the same. Why you don't understand this baffles me, but it doesn't surprise me.

    Thanks for the statistic that you just looked up by this is common information and is totally irrelevant to this debate because we are discussing the State of Indiana and not the feds. Further, it is immaterial what percentage of intakes it comprises, a dollar is a dollar.

    Yes, and I've already thanked you for agreeing with me about this. Trump has done nothing different than Obama or Bush or any other President. My point is that you've been a harsh critic when Obama did it, but when Trump does it you are ready to slob his knob over it.

    You are missing my point entirely. You are the one who has been trashing Obama and insisting that the free market should rule....but when the shoe is on the other foot you think it's the best thing that every happened. I have no issue with some government intervention. Trump's Carrier deal may indeed turn out to be a good one, but regardless, you are a hypocritical shrill who has stomped their foot and sucked their thumb for 8 years but now you are all about it.

    You've shot down nothing. Your political philosophy changes with the whim of the wind.....address that.

    2.5 million more votes brah.....

    I just thought you might want another perspective on this. She's your girl, brother. I didn't say it....she did. You tell she a dumbass or not?

    And thank you for posting that because it validates my entire argument. I've been for intervention all along. You have not. You have been a staunch enemy of intervention until Trump came along and now it's like it's the best idea that ever pinged around in the empty head of yours.

    I'm done with you on this one pal. You've just twisted yourself into knots here, ideologically, and it will take some time for you to figure out what you really believe in.
  9. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    The big bang came first. It was on Nov. 8th.


    You said Indiana is losing on this deal yet you offer no facts?


    Bailouts and tax cuts are different.

    I don't expect someone who cant even understand mathematical concepts to understand this. Good thing Shane tanked your awful thread.

    I never once said it was "the best thing that ever happened". Only that its not a fucking subsidy and there isn't much wrong with this. LaSalle said we "lost". How? You or no-one can prove that we the American people lost on this deal.

    More emotions of the lollipop gang.

    None of you can even cite international trade deals and barely understand markets. I am not surprised when challenged with economic concepts and the reality of how our system operates you guys makeup emotional shit and hide from what I challenge you with.

    Faux Outrage from CNN shit spewers.

    And still not addressing Trump holding federal contacts over Carrier. Classic. Hows Red doing btw?

    There is the child I know. lol Can't refute what I said huh. Just like its "methematically impossible for Trump to win" you have proven yourself a ignorant fool incapable of an honest discussion.

    I have given you, @mobius481, and @LaSalleAve a chance to specifically say how this is bad and address Trump holding Federal contacts over Carrier as a "bad" thing or a new "precedent".

    Claiming this is a precedent doesn't make it true. It has been happening for decades.

    Is she here to debate? She's always been a dumbass to you. So dont quote her. Thats the point.

    There is quite a difference in a bailout and tax cuts. You have tax cuts for your business. We all have tax cuts.

    We have bankruptcy laws which work quite well. What we did was a lie. It was not to save anything other than the UAW. Its a proven fact they were the benefactors of the GM bailout. It was a complete sham. People like you and the media conned everyone into thinking GM's market-share would just evaporate and disappear.

    Let me ask you. If you stop selling mattresses, do your customers just kill themselves?

    More nonsense and straw-men.

    Your done because you are a fraud and attack words not the content like a dirty liberal. Have fun losing.

    Trump won.

    Here is your new avatar:

  10. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    It's pointless. Trump could rape a baby and you would talk about how it's good for the country.
    mobius481 and Tiger in NC like this.

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