Trump's deal with Carrier

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by mobius481, Nov 30, 2016.

  1. mobius481

    mobius481 Registered Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Yeah, I'm concerned it won't save the plant for long. 7 million is a good deal if it keeps the jobs there for ten years. Otherwise it isn't. That's before you get into the precedent issue.
  2. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Not really. What we know of the deal as of today is that the state of Indiana had to promise at least $700,000 per year in tax credits. If I understand correctly, Trump also committed to tax savings from the federal level. How is it keeping people off the suga tit, as you call it, if the government is the one who is paying for them to stay? Further, if this is all true then it sets a terrible precedent for other corporations. Now they know that all they have to do is threaten to leave the country and the White House will essentially pay them to stay. That's corporate welfare. So yes, while it keeps 1000 jobs in Indiana and 1000 people out of the unemployment line, it also costs all of us in additional tax dollars because that money has to come from somewhere. Lastly, I would only add that Republicans blasted Obama for bailing out the auto industry and saving 1.5 million jobs. How is this any different? Instead of breaking up the very system that gives incentives for corporations to leave the country, Trump just played right into it's hands. Lastly, the part that is going unreported is that 1000 jobs are going to Mexico. So, for a huge tax credit Trump was only able to save half of those jobs. If he is going to be the "tough on big business and wall street" guy he sure is off to a rocky start after this and filling his cabinet with Wall Street executives. Not to mention that he is about to nominate David Petraeus to be the Secretary of State....Hillary's old job.....and guess what? Petraeus was actually found guilty of lying to the FBI about mishandling classified documents when he shared them with his mistress.
  3. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    I like how a tax credit means/= government paying for them to stay... LOL liberal logic. Its the companies money to being with. Added to the fact that we over regulate and over tax anyway.

    Love this from you guys. Tax credit = welfare but real welfare is when you write a check to unprofitable people/business.

    In you guys mind this is all the same right?

    Good things Liberals were told to GTFO out of office. Lack of economic theories is troubling here.

    Huge lol you and LaSalle can share the same calculator. The plant + employees cost Carrier $64+ million a year. I know you are not any good at math, but really dude?

    Also, you obviously are being one sided. Trump threaten their federal contracts.

    Figures you guys can't see the difference.
  4. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    It will save it long enough for Trumpt actually get in office and do some work. Dude isn't even president yet.
  5. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    I am sure that somewhere in your ass backwards logic that there is a vast difference between the two. That said, Carrier was paying X rate in taxes and were planning to move all 2100 jobs to Mexico. Trump and Pence came along and said if you keep 1000 of those jobs in Indiana then we'll make your tax rate X - $700,000 per year in tax credits. So, no matter how you slic
    it, it is still a government hand out. Indiana will now collect $700,000 less in taxes annually for 10 years, if I understand the terms correctly.

    We "liberals" cast 2.5 million more votes for Clinton than you guys did for your candidate. The electoral college saved Trump, but please don't act like you have some kind of popular mandate. That's laughable....

    What about the precendent that it sets for other corporations? Got any insight there?
    mobius481 likes this.
  6. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    No its not. Just as it's not a government handout when you take tax deductions when you file your taxes. Or if you take on a special program at your business for a tax break.

    Just as you are terrible at math, you really suck at definitions.

    Correction, California cast those "more" votes. Example #1 for the electoral college dipshit.

    Further, during the GM bailout, you were singing a different tune.......

    That is welfare. Propping up a failed business.

    Dude, Trump held government contracts over their head. If anything it states that if you fuck with him, he will hit you harder.

    Further, the precedent was set by Bush/Obama with bailouts + decades of shady government practices fucking with our regulatory and tax system.

    Its like you are all retards. SO other countries can entice our corporations with lower taxes but we cant? And you idiots cite free trade.

    Scrubs. I'm here all night.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2016
  7. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    If anything, this shows the level of crony capitalism that has been in place for decades. This system was built for this purpose. The difference is Trump answers to himself.

    Maybe you guys are just as clueless as the common street liberal, but this is how business is done in the US.

    Hell, look at the NFL. Billionaire owners have "cities" pay for their stadiums. Why do you think the Oakland Raiders are moving. Because the city of Las Vegas gave them a sweet fucking deal....... from the tax payers of course.
  8. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    say what you want; it's 6 one way, half a dozen the other.

    Of course you subscribe to the faux news notion that there were 3 million illegal votes cast and it's just ludicrous. Not one shred of evidence of this. Hell, even Republican Secretaries of State are coming to defend the integrity of our elections. I find it hilarious that Trump is casting doubt on the election that he just won. Typical.....

    Oh no, pal, sorry but you don't get to make it alright for your guy and not alright when the other side does it. Obama saved 1.5 million jobs with the auto bail out. Should he have let all of those people hit the unemployment lines and allow one of our biggest brands just die? Again, I find it hilarious that Obama saves 1.5 million jobs with a bailout and you guys say he is socializing the auto industry and blah, blah, blah.....but Trump saves 1000 jobs and you guys want to change his name to Jesus Christ.

    Thank you for finally admitting that Trump's actions were no different than Obama's. Except of course that Obama saved 1.5 million jobs and Trump saved 1000.

    Thanks. You don't act like a retard. If you were a retard we could have some sympathy and understanding for your lack of intellectual value. The fact that you are not a retard and you are still unable to make an intelligible argument is the just plain sad, and I won't make fun of you for it.

    Trump answers to the American people, whether he likes it or not. But thank you again for admitting that Trump is simply doing what Obama and Bush have done. You contradict yourself so badly. It's just sad.

    And what business are you in? Tell us about your entrepreneurial prowess. This outta be good....

    Dude, you began your post by telling me that Trumps deal was nothing like Obama's or Bush's.
    and then, like magic, you justified Trump's actions by comparing them to Obama and Bush. Now you are just gloating in your own ignorance by lecturing me about how "this is just the way it's done." Next time, maybe read what you've written before posting.
  9. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Lol. You actually think the GM bailout and this are the same? Lol. Good grief.

    And no I didn't justify anything. You specifically asked what precedent "this" set. It's was set years ago.

    It's funny you brought it there. Even more with 1.5 million jobs saved. I've gone over this before. GM going bankrupt only means restructuring. All the jobs donT evaporate. Further carrier isn't bankrupt. Trump isn't handing them money. He is letting them keep it.

    Come at me when you can make an argument worth a damn.

    Again you asked what precedent "this" set. So yea. Read wtf you post.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2016
  10. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Do me a favor since you are incapable of an original thought.

    Take the votes HRC won CA by and subtract that from her popular vote and tell me what that number moves too.

    My second post about crony capatialism is just that. I never said what he did wasnt crony. Only that it isn't a subsidy as you and your other liberal buddies like to claim.

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