Winston, I never said there were not other factors involved. My point is that RR set a precedent when he began allowing our manufacturing sector to move overseas. Not only were we out of those jobs that supported the largest middle class in world history, but on a strategic level we handed one of the most integral sectors to countries that are not friendly to the US. Now we see the results of that decision: China's military build up and attempt to overtake us as the number one economy in the world and, worse, their desire to replace the dollar as the world's currency. The ramifications of this decision were not very well thought out. I get that the industry was broken and unable to negotiate in good faith between union and management. Those facts are well documented and, indeed, preceeded RR. However, it was RR who initiated it.
what else? you think that Obama is the first President who issued an executive order that was controversial? you are confusing debt and deficit. the debt is the accumulated total debt of the US. the deficit is our yearly budget shortage. If you knew the definition of deficit you would understand how right I am. wrong again friend. Further, to think that Obama could have implemented strict austerity measures and everything would be okay is naive. Obama's policies have stabilized the economy and put us back on a path for growth. When you compare the recovery here to the rest of the world it is evidence that we made some good decisions as far as how to get ourselves out of the depths of recession and getting people back to work again. Has it been perfect? Absolutely not and we still have a long way to go in a lot of areas but to deny that we are better off today than we were on January 30, 2009 is unfounded.
This is why you don't understand. You are confusing our national debt with our annual budget deficit. Rookie mistake. Perhaps you are only confused.